Chapter 21

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It has been almost a week since I was taken by hyungwon, I could barely open my eyes because of how weak I've been, ever since hyungwon first drank my blood, he's been coming in twice a day to get more

I'm in so much pain to the point its hard to move my legs, my back has been killing me and the ropes around my wrist had cut through my skin and they started to bleed and scab up

I stopped crying, there wasn't anymore tears to come out, my body was so damaged, I feel like I even broke a rib or something

they fed me of course but it was only scrapes of meat or a potato, my breathing has become shallow, I could feel myself just barely hanging onto life

anymore torture and I think I might actually die, the stone door opens and I look up to see hyungwon with a smirk on his face, my body had so much bite marks from him

he walked over to me and crouched besides me "how are you feeling" I could tell he really didnt care

"ive had you for almost a week and your boyfriend havnt even found you yet, wow they must not have loved you" he smirks

"they....will be... here" it was hard to talk, it hurt when I did, he just chuckles and his fangs start to grow "its now time for lunch" his eyes turn a deep red

ive given up on trying to get away because every time it failed, he brings his fangs on my forearm and was about to bite down

the door burst open and the body building guy which I found out his name was byuong sik "sir we have a problem" he says

hyungwon groans and pulls away from me "what is it now?, cant you see I'm busy!" he stands up in anger his eyes turning gold

"sir we are under attack" he says "what?!" hyungwon replies "who is it?!" he demands "its jin and his brothers sir" he says and hyungwon growls in anger

when I heard that jin was here I almost started it cry from happiness, hyungwon stares at me then back an byuong sik "stay here and watch her, kill anyone who enters the room" hyungwon orders and exits the room

i could here people screaming and many feet pattering on the floor above me, byuong sik comes up to me and looks at me with disgust

he pulls out his knife, the one he first used on me and started to walk to me "you bitch, I never liked you" he says with pure hatred

he comes up next to me and swings his knife around, it scared me but not that much, he then just full forced stabs the knife into my stomach

I gasp in agony and look down at the knife, I couldnt do anything about it, it hurt so much but I didnt have the strength to scream

I heard many people run by the door screaming, byuong sik grabs the handle of the knife and pulled it out of me, my blood spilling onto the floor

I think I'm going to die, I never even got the chance to tell my mom that I loved her, a tear escapes my eye when I realize if I die mom will be all alone

then suddenly the door burst open to see a very pissed of jin, his eyes as black as coal, I weakly look up at him as my blood oozes out of my wound

before byuong sik can do anything namjoon rushes to him and ripes his head off, his lifeless body hits the floor

jungkook rushes into the room and comes to me, he unties the rope around my wrist and holds me in his hands, my blood getting onto his clothing

it was extremely hard to keep my eyes open "soojin can you hear me?" jungkook says gently stroking my face "jungkook shes too weak, I dont think she will make it" jimin says making jungkook cry

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