Chapter 20

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I woke up from the sun shinning in my eyes, I groan, I really need to change those curtains, I roll over expecting to feel jungkook next to me but he wasn't

I opened my eyes and purked my head up, jungkook was indeed gone, I throw the blankets off of me and slid on my slippers and open my door and head down the stairs

I look in the living room but no one was there then I looked in the kitchen, still no one was there.

I head up stairs and knock on my moms door, no answer, I open the door and mom was gone also, I run my hand through my hair frustratingly

I rush back into my room and grab my phone, I unlock it and go to my contact and call jungkook

it rang and rang but no answer "dammit!" I shout I then try hoseoks number, it rang four times "hello" I sigh in relief "hoseok where are you guys?" I question and sit on my bed "oh your mom said she needed to go shopping and she wanted us to join" he says

"you guys left me alone, I thought something happened to you" I tell him "you arnt alone" he says and I widen my eyes "jungkook is there" he says

"what no he isnt I checked the whole house" I tell him but as soon as I said that my bathroom door opens to a shirtless jungkook with a towel wrapped around his waist his hair dripping

"never mind I found him" I say and I hang up, I stand up and just stare at jungkook, he looked so sexy

"haha are you done checking me out?" he chuckles and I avoid eye contact, "hey soojin do you have an extra pair of clothes" he asks me "o-oh yeah" I stutter and exit my room and go into moms room

I pull out the box that had my dads old clothes in it and I pull out boxers, clean of course, black pants and a red plad shirt, I put the box back in its original spot and I head back into my room

I close the door and hand him clothes, I kept getting caught up in his body that I didn't realize he was talking to me "soojin are you going to leave or watch me get dressed" he smirks and I get red

I leave the room but before I closed the door "knock on the door when your done" then I closed the door, not even 5 seconds later he knocked

I had a shocked expression on my face "are you really done that fast" I say unbelievably but when I turn around I see jungkook leaning on the door frame

"never mind" I mumble, I push past him and enter my room, I pick out clothes for me which was like jungkooks

I thought it would be cute if we matched, I take black ripped skinny jeans with a black tank top and a red plad shirt

"are you going to leave or watch me change" I mock back at him, he just smirks "I think ill wat-" I push his out of my room pretty fastly "pervert" I yell and hurried up and got dressed before he used his power to go through walls

I take two beanies from my top drawer and hold them, I exit my room "here" I hand him one of the beanies and he wears it

"what do you want to do?" I ask him and lean on my door frame, all I see is jungkook smirk and he leans in, he was a few inches away from my face, I just smile

"well I have you to myself for a few minutes" he says and leans in and tries to kiss me but I dodge, I laugh and just give him a hug

he just chuckles and hugs back, I leg go and head down stairs he follows after me

"moms not home so you better drink some blood before she gets back" I inform him and sit on the island chairs "and take your pill" I say again

"dont worry love I already did" he says and smiles, "can you tell me more about you since we are dating now" I ask him "I suppose" he shrugs "there isnt much" he says

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