chapter 10

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I wake up in my bed, I sit up and rub my eyes, "how did I get here" I mumble to myself "what happened" I ask myself as I rub the back on my head, which hurt

I look around my room to maybe see how I got here, my eyes land on a ball of bloody clothing

I suddenly realized what happened

"omg harin!" I rush out of my bed and run out my door and downstairs, I need to see her

I rush past my living room unaware of the 7 pair of eyes watching me

before I get to the door someone says something "where are you going?" I look and see the seven brothers sitting in my living room

his voice startles me and I slip on my place mat by my door, before I land I give out a small yelp before a big thud echoes the room

"yah are you okay!" jimin says as he rushes to me, I get up before he gets to me

"I need to go" I tell them but I stop "wait why are you guys here?" I ask them they look around to eachother

thats when I realize, I slowly start to remember what happened, I look at jungkook and I immediately gasp "wait before you react" Jin tells me but I already started to react

"get away!" I yell them as I back away from them to get to the door, I turn around as fast as I can to open the front door

I was shocked when I turn around taehyung was in front of me

"ahhh!" I give a small scream and fall on my butt from the surprise

I crawl backwards and turn around and get up, I run past jin and run up stairs to my room and lock the door

"why are you running" I scream when I see yoongi is sitting on my bed that who was just previously down stairs

"what are you" I say frightened, he suddenly appears infront of me, I was cornered he had me literally in a corner

before I know it all the boy were in my room, I shrink down my wall into a sitting position

a tear runs down my face "please don't hurt me" I beg them "were not going to hurt you so please stop crying" namjoon says as he crouches to my level

"what do you guys want" I ask with a shaky voice

"we need your help" jimin says "with what" honestly I was scared for a answer

"you see jungkookie here" taehyung points to jungkook which was turned away, I nod "he is cursed and he needs you to break it" I was so confused

I wipe my face "how do I help him, why me?" I ask frantically "because you are the one who hold the serenidipity necklace" namjoon says

I look down at my necklace and hold it in my hand, why me though? its just a random necklace

"the only way to help him is to love him" him says and crosses his arms

I look at them with a shocked expression but tears still come out of my eyes "I dont even know him! I don't even know what the hell you guys are!" I yell with a few sniffles

"maybe we should explain more to her, shes the only one who can help" namjoon tells jin which he agrees

they all back up and give me space, I slowly stand up but I dont move, its like I'm frozen in my place

"please sit" taehyung tells me and points to my bed, I slowly walk over to my bed and sit down, I was scared on what they would do if I didnt obey "lets start with the beginning I guess" yoongi tells jungkook

 Red Eyed Beauty || Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now