Chapter 6

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(jungkooks persective but ill change it later to soojins)

we all go to study hall and I met back up with my brothers, we talk about how are classes are then I ask namjoon to help me with math, he was happy to help because he used help me before we were vampires, he'd teach me how to be the best prince

study hall only lasted about a hour then I have gym with yoongi hyung

I'm existed to go to gym class, I'm competitive and I'm the strongest out of my brothers, well from the last time ive checked

yoongi and I walk down the hall on our way to the gymnasium, its on the first floor so we had to walk a lot much to yoongi's complaining

once we arive and introduce ourselves and they teacher gives us our gym uniforms which was a red shirt with black shorts

we started to warm up which was 2 laps around the gym and some stretches like quad pulls, butterflies and many more

the game that coach wanted us to play today was a game called dodgeball

there is 40 students in this class so we split up the groups 20-20, I smiled when I got on a different team than yoongi, now I get to see if I'm better than him at this dodgeball game

the coach blows the whistle and balls fly everwhere, 5 minutes after it started 8 kids from my side and 12 from yoongi's were out

we kept it going till it was just yoongi and i, I chuckle "doesn't this remind you of anything?" I ask him with a slight head tilt and a smirk as I dodge one of his powerfull throws

"yes it does" he replys and trys to throw another at me, you see when we were princes we used to royal games to see who was the strongest, yoongi and I did one like this but with big rocks, I won of course

'since its just you and me we can just go all out' I tell him through telepathy, he nods at me 'just be careful we dont want to damage any humans or the building' I nod back

yoongi throws it aiming for my stomach but I do a backflip and thow it before I land. I hear many awes and 'sick' when I did that

yoongi was not going down no matter how many balls i throw at him, we werent even sweating or panting like most people would

my eyes turn a lighter shade of brown which means I'm happy, its nice to have this time with yoongi

"I'm ending this now brother" I smirk as I use my ultimate throwing technique, "we will see" he smirk at me and I see his eyes turn a lighter shade than before also

we both do our throws at the same time in the same spot causing our balls to collide and with how hard we threw it at each other they came back at us and lets just say we weren't ready

we both got hit and slid back a little, we just got ourselves out on our own ball, I look up at yoongi and we both laugh

"who one?" one of the kids from my team asks "it was a tie" I tell the boy and walk over to yoongi and give him a high five and a hug "good job" I tell him "you to" he reply

"you guys are so cool" a girl comes up to us and says "yeah how did you guys throw like that?" a boy asks us

"we used to play this a lot, we got good at it" is all I tell them as I grab yoongi's arm and pull him with me to get water

we dont need the water but we need to pretend 'hyung' I get his attention 'ive been trying to control it but I dont know if I can for much longer' I say and look at him and he sees that my eyes start to turn a red then back to brown then flash red again 'okay okay, dont worry we have lunch after this and jin hyung packed us all bags just hang in till then' he tells me and puts his hand on my back

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