|3| graffiti

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Jungkook view

As soon as jungkook got home at half four  he immedietly dived for his bed, but not before removing his black shirt that stuck to his chest outrageously, leaving him exposed. He reached for his airpods, planning on blocking out any sound from around him however that plan soon failed as his mother came waddling in, a bright smile on her face.

"how was it honey!  Were you well behaved? Did you learn something?  Was your tutor nice?"  Mrs jeon waffled on, annoying jungkook to the fullest as he cursed out loud for having such a talkative mom.

"it was fine" he replied, his face moody as he refused to actually tell his mom he learnt something for once. He looked at his mother sharply, raising his brow as he silently told her to leave in which she just sighed and nodded her head defeated while she left the room, murmuring how her son had communication problems.

Jungkook paused before starting his music, thinking back to the one hour session. He managed to achieve something in one hour, with some random stranger, but he couldnt achieve anything in school, six hours, with teachers hes known for five years?

Schools  useless anyway, along with the shitty teachers who give no help at all

Deciding he no longer wanted to listen to music, jungkook threw on his shirt again as he grabbed the couple of coloured spray cans hidden in his drawer while he shoved them into his black backpack, making sure his mother wouldnt be able to find out.

He ran down stairs, swiftly walking past his mom as he ignored her curious stare. "where do you think you're going?" she asked pointedly as she looked at her son with raised brows, her spoon that she was eating yogurt with mid way to her mouth as it hung limply in the air with the help of her hand.

"out" jungkook replied with as he slammed the door shut on his mothers sigh.


Taehyung view

It was now five o clock and taehyung was just finishing with the last kid he was tutoring who turned out to be way better than his previous one, jungkook.

"Do you understand it now?" taehyung asked nicely, his smile sweet as he looked at the young boy who nodded his head greatfully at taehyung before leaving.

The brunette sighed, packing away the notes as he put them neatly into his bag, slinging it over his two shoulders as he signed out, he bid goodbyes to the other tutors kindly while he whipped out his phone, ringing his mother to see if she was coming to collect him.

"hey mom, would you like to me walk home or are you coming to pick me up? Taehyung asked as he pushed his sneakers against the concrete, waiting for his mothers reply.

"ah sorry taehyungie im busy, i'm in the middle of cooking dinner- oh! That reminds me, can you quickly hop in the store and get me some onions on your way back?  You have money on you right?"  Mrs kims voice was heard through the speaker.

Taehyung sighed as he pouted, he really had no energy to go to the store right now but not wanting to disobey his mother he agreed saying he just had enough money as he said goodbye.

He replaced his phone back into his jean pocket while he made his way to the convenience store, his hands clutched tightly onto the straps of his bag the whole time.

Once he recieved the plastic bag from the cashier, taking it with a sweet smile and a "thank you", he left the store as he checked his phone the time reading, five thirty, already.

As he walked through the park he noticed a hooded figure clad in black, holding a spray can in his right hand as he faced the brick wall of the building. Taehyung gasped as he saw the male raise his right hand, spraying the paint over the wall. 

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