|36| on call

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Jungkook view

As soon as he woke up from his nap Jungkook immedietly became bored since he didnt really have any lessons today and due to the fact that his dormate hadnt arrived yet which made him think he had a dorm to himself but anyway-

He remembered taehyung telling him to get a partime job to fulfil his boredom. He got up from the couch deciding to take up on that suggestion As he put on his shoes to get ready and find the tattoo place he saw on his way to university wanting to get a job there since he was really into design and since he already knew how to work the machine.

Around fifteen minutes of walking through the busy streets Jungkook finally found the place he had been looking for. He examined the place deeming it quite big and it radiated classic vibes. He opened the door, entering slowly.

Immedietly He was met with little light, the walls were full of different kinds of designs and pictures so much so you couldnt even see the wall itself. Jungkook looked to the right where the counter was, He spotted the cashier making him breathe in relief.

"is your boss here?" Jungkook asked as He eyed the cashier who looked back at him weirdly.

"yeah" He said whilst chewing on his gum obnoxiously making Jungkook cringe.

"i'd like to talk to them" Jungkook began to tap his foot impatiently.

"yeah sure gimme a sec" the cashier replied in a bored tone causing Jungkook to roll his eyes.

Soon later walked out a tall skinny woman. She had tattoos adorning both arms and two on her neck, beneath her sweater anything else wasnt really visible. Her hair was short and black and it curled a little at the ends making it bounce on her shoulder slightly. Her lips were tinted with a red lipstick, more glossy that matte bringing out her porcelain skin, black skinny jeans fitted on her legs perfectly making her figure look amazing, all in all she was very pretty.

"hello, what can i help you with young man?" she smiled sweetly at Jungkook.

"are you recruiting anyone? I'd like to get a job here" Jungkook asked.

"if you know what you're doing then yes, you can" she smiled again as she walked around the counter to get closer to Jungkook.

"really? So when do i start?"

"well first i need to see how good your skills are" she chuckled lightly at Jungkooks eagerness.

"oh yeah sure. Now?"

"if you dont mind" she beckoned Jungkook to follow her to the seating areas. Jungkook sat on the chair beside the long one patients/clients would sit on.

The lady, Jungkook still didnt know the name of, sat herself on the big chair as she layed down. She rolled up her sleeve even more so it was up to her upper arm instead. "you know how to work the needle right?"

"yeah, i actually did some training believe it or not" Jungkook muttered under his breath.

"okay. Well, tattoo me" she smiled up at Jungkook who looked shocked from her words.


"tattoo me. I need to know if you're good or not"

"i can just draw on paper first-"

"just do it. I dont care if you mess up or not" she chuckled.

"okay then" Jungkook muttered under his breath, finding the woman extremely weird.

He got the needle ready as He also put on the gloves, He prepared the ladys arm whilst breathing out due to being nervous. He decided on doing something simple.

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