|23| bunny teeth

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Taehyung view

"m-mommy? How did you... know?" taehyung quietly asked as he and his mother (also jungkook) were now just outside the police station, the cold summer breeze beginning to show effect as it was now almost midnight meaning it got more chilly.

"well i was on my way home from work and i saw you walk out of the ice cream shop so i followed you secretly to the station and i saw jungkook in the cell on my way in" Mrs kim simply explained, taehyungs lips forming an 'o' shape as he nodded his head slowly letting the words register inside his head.

"we better get going, it's late and Jungkooks parents must be worried. My cars only around the corner, lets hurry too, i'm feeling a bit cold" taehyungs mother muttered as she hugged herself upon saying the last words as she tried to keep herself warm whilst practically jogging to the car, leaving taehyung and jungkook to walk slowly behind her.

Taehyung, too was also cold which caused him to wrap his arms around himself as he shivered from the intensity of the breeze that flew by him. Jungkook noticed so without hesitation he shrugged off his leather jacket, immedietly wrapping it around taehyungs small shivering frame causing him to look up at the older with a frown.

The frown was soon gone, a thankful expression now there as the youngers cheeks bloomed a soft pink. "t-thank you jungkookie" taehyung whispered as he peeked up at the raven haired shyly, tugging the jacket closer to his body, causing jungkook to smile down softly at him as they both continued to walk down the empty street.

"jungkook. Would you like to catch a ride with us?" Mrs kim asked sweetly as she saw her son and jungkook approach her shortly.

"no thanks, i have my motorcycle, but i appreciate it" jungkook awkwardly muttered, not used to being so nice to a stranger (other than taehyung).

In reply Mrs kim simply smiled and nodded her head before getting into the car, leaving taehyung and jungkook alone once again. The younger looked at the raven haired from under his lashes as he fiddled with his fingers awkwardly, not knowing what to say, the same going for jungkook who simply stared at taehyung without saying a word.

"g-goodn-" taehyung was about to say before Jungkook hastily cut him off.

"sorry for today. You must have been really scared" jungkook muttered softly, care and worry hinted in his tone as he slowly stepped closer to taehyung who was shocked from the sudden apology.

"i-its not your fault. I-i wanted to come inside too" taehyung shyly admitted, his cheeks a soft pink colour which jungkook found himself admiring once again.

"b-but i really was scared when you surrendered yourself kook! I really t-thought you were g-going to end up in jail!" The younger cutely huffed as he threw a weak punch to jungkooks bicep who simply laughed at his attempt to hurt him, finding taehyung too cute to be scary.

"jeon jungkook never gets punished for his crimes" The raven haired joked, his smile wide so his bunny teeth were poking out causing the younger of them both to squeal.

"you have bunny teeth!"

"bunny teeth??" jungkook pulled a face at the word bunny.

"yeah! It looks so cute!" taehyung giggled as he poked one of Jungkooks so called bunny teeth with his finger.

In a flash jungkook suddenly grabbed taehyungs finger, moving closer to him slowly, his eyes immedietly turning darker scaring taehyung to the core who shrunk back in slight nervousness. "call me cute again. I dare you" jungkook muttered, his voice deep as he stared taehyung down.

"u-uh — m-my mommys waiting—gotta go!" taehyung scrambled off into the car, sitting there stiffly earning a weird look from his mom who simply just shook her head and drove off leaving jungkook to stay rooted in his place, a smile plastered on his face as he recalled taehyungs cute stuttering.

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