|20| not Just a tutor

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Jungkook view

Jungkook cooly drove through the empty streets of the now quiet city, the only light source being the tall yellowy lights that also provided a calm atmosphere that was much needed. His blank expression suddenly turned to one of confusion as he felt a little thud against his chest, so he looked down, raising a brow as taehyung was now sleeping as he rested against his chest completely as he lay limp in front of him, his hands barely clutching the handles looking like they were about to fall off.

Jungkook smiled softly as he removed one hand from the handle and instead wrapped it protectively around the youngers waist so he wouldnt fall off and... Y'know, die. His hand was now resting on taehyungs belly as he held him tight against him, fearing the male would actually fall. He looked down again briefly at the male, his smile never faltering as he took in the pure innocence the brunette radiated.

He's literally an angel. What could he have done to deserve the shit thats happened to him?  He's too pure for anyone to hurt him. Jungkook sighs from his thoughts, looking up at the road as he focused on driving carefully,  a frown sitting on his face as he recalled how taehyung had a panic attack. I dont feel sorry  for him, (((and just why should you anyway jungkook, you don't care about Anyone - anyway -))))  its just, i hate seeing him... Hurt, it physically hurts me for fucks sake and its frustrating i dont know why .  he makes me feel all kind of stuff. Like what though?
He makes me feel happy.  Yeah, happy, and... Just light hearted, as if i have no worries (((or homework to complete for that matter))). He makes the tips of my ears go all hot for christs sake- and my heart seems to beat ten times faster when im around him, when i see him smile- oh god jungkook,


Jungkook refuses to believe it.

As if i have feelings for taehyung
You literally just admitted it.

Jungkook looked down at the sleeping and oblivious taehyung who was making the older have a crisis at that moment. He gulped as he indeed realise it was true. I have feelings for taehyung. My tutor.

Is he really just a tutor to you now though jungkook?

"oh whatever" he grumbled as he sped off, wanting to go home and forget about his so called feelings.


"taehyung? Wake up, you need to get inside" jungkook mutters, his motorbike now parked as he and taehyung was still perched upon the said thing. Jungkook gently nudged taehyungs upper arm with his free hand as the other was still around the males waist. All the older recieved was a low whine emit from the sleeping boy who nuzzled further into his chest causing him to roll his eyes playfully.

So jungkook slowly moved his hand that was resting on taehyungs waist to his lower back instead as he held him close, as he did so, the ravenette slowly jumped off the bike still holding taehyung in place who whined from the loss of body contact from jungkook who then picked up taehyung in his arms again as he carried him inside carefully as to not wake his parents up.

They eventually made it inside jungkooks room who then carefully layed taehyung down onto the bed who sighed in content at the feeling of the soft sheets below him. Jungkook looked at him for a brief second, his eyebrow raised amused until he simply shook his head whilst removing his jacket and shirt, changing into joggers thereafter so he was comfy.

Since taehyung was already wearing comfortable clothes jungkook dismissed the thought of having to wake him up to get dressed, causing him to smile as he couldnt be bothered to anyway since he was so tired himself. He climbed into the bed himself with a yawn, planning to Make a barrier again until he felt a soft hand enclosed around his wrist causing him to halt his actions.

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