|14| sombre excitement

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Jungkook view

Where is taehyung?

Jungkook allowed his eyes to scan the room, wanting to find a particular brunette clad in denim however all he was searching was a useless boring crowd so he grumbled as he stood up from his seat after drinking a glass of beer (not affecting him much as he wasnt drunk). 

He looked through every room, his brows furrowed in worry (whether he'd like to admit it or not) as he called out taehyungs name.

"taehyung!" jungkook yelled as he pushed himself past a couple that was making out as they grinded up against eachother causing the male to grimace.

"fucking hell" he muttered as he ran a hand exhaustedly through his raven hair, standing still as he breathed out a loud sigh.

His eyes landed on the staircase further narrowing at the red plastic cup that was carelessly left on one of the steps indicating the male someone had been upstairs so he stalked forward curiously, his legs taking him up one by one until he was eventually standing in front of the first door he was met with.

That door however ended up being locked and jungkook could hear moans emit from the room making him move on immedietly.

Why are teenagers so horny these days

He tried opening the second door however before did he halted on hearing a painful scream rack through the room, the deep voice earning his attention as he heard the unknown males pleads of 'no' being shouted through the room.

His eyes darkened as he immedietly recognised the males voice behind the door so without thinking he bursted through the said thing, his face holding a look of fury as his eyes were glued onto a tied up shirtless and crying taehyung.

He moved his gaze towards the red head of whom he didnt know his name yet and frankly didnt care either.  He stalked forward ever so slightly, his strides big as in a matter of time he was face to face with kihyun but once jungkooks eyes laid on  taehyung he lost all sense and rationality as he threw a punch to kihyuns nose causing him to fall back onto the bed.

Jungkook dragged him up by the collar, his eyes blazing fire with sombre excitement as he shoved kihyun to the floor.

The older lifted kihyun off the ground only to punch his jaw, his own knuckles stinging from the impact however he was too angry to care at his own pain as he focused on hurting the male who had hurt taehyung.

The mere thought of taehyung so closed to being raped had him fuming even more.

He threw kihyun on to the ground as he hovered over him continuously throwing punches to his face while taehyung tried to free himself from the rope to which he failed at making him  cry even more from anger and worry for jungkook.

But through his loud cries and whimpers taehyung managed to speak a little as he called towards jungkook. "jung-kook p-please, i-i need y-you" taehyung gasped through his sore throat making jungkook stop his actions immedietly as he practically sprinted over to taehyung.

He didnt say anything as he slowly untied taehyungs red wrists, making sure not to hurt him. His eyes landed on his open zipper causing a low growl to leave his throat however now was the time to be here for taehyung meaning he had to get rid of his anger all together.

Jungkook removed his leather jacket, placing it around taehyungs small and delicated frame making sure to cover his exposed body. His shaky hands reached towards the youngers zipper, slowly zipping up the males jeans as his hands lingered at the males waist a little longer, the touch causing butterflies to flutter in the youngers stomach.

Jungkook sighed as he looked at taehyung, his eyes showing guilt and worry. "i'm so sorry, i shouldn't have left you" The older muttered as he caressed taehyungs bare waist.

"y-you're here n-now so-" taehyung gulped as he shakily reached out his hand to rub jungkooks arm reassuringly as he smiled softly at the older.

Wasting no time, jungkook hooked his arms under taehyungs legs, one arm touching the small of his back. "wrap your arms around me"

Taehyung hesistantly did what jungkook said, his arms around the olders neck as he let the male lift him up from the bed. Jungkook adjusted his leather jacket on taehyung making sure it wouldnt  fall off whilst he carried the male downstairs, no one paying attention to the two males as they were too drunk.

Taehyung leaned his head against jungkooks chest, his hair splayed out causing jungkook to smoothen it gently, the male noticed taehyung was close to passing out.  "go to sleep. Im right here" he whispered soothingly as he hoisted the male up again in his arms.

Taehyung whined quietly before he eventually closed his eyes, his body falling limp into Jungkooks arms as he let the male carry him to god knows where.

But before Jungkook could actually leave he was stopped by a panicked jimin who was blocking his way. Jungkook, realising this was taehyungs friend that had left him, scowled at the shorter. "move out of the fucking way before i punch you too" jungkook growled as he attempted to leave again only being stopped.

"i'm so sorry! I-i didnt know he was going to-" jimin frantically apologised as he stared concerned at taehyungs sleeping state.

"that's not my fucking problem right now. move so i can get taehyung home without having him to wake up to learn i beat his bestfriend to a pulp" jungkook snarled as he glared daggers at the male before him who sighed defeatedly and move out of the way, watching jungkook carry taehyung with apologetic eyes as he ran a hand over his face, distressed.

"i really am sorry taehyung" jimin whispered before he was met with a confused but smiling yoongi as the mint haired offered him a drink to which he took with a small smile on his face, his mind still thinking about taehyung.

But its okay, because jimin knew taehyung was in the right pair of arms this time. 

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