|7| chopsticks

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Taehyung view

It was eight o clock by the time they reached taehyungs empty home. He immedietly switched on the light of his living room, jungkook following behind him as he stiffly sat himself down on the couch while he winced at the pain in his leg. He moved his hand towards his bruise, gingerly touching it making him wince once again.

Taehyung looked at him worried until  he sprinted upstairs to grab the first aid kit making jungkook look at him weirdly the whole time.

Taehyung sat next to the raven haired who was still watching him.

"what are you doing?" jungkook asked as he watched taehyung grab a bandage and some alcohol.

The younger looked up shyly. "i'm treating your bruise. I-if thats okay w-with you" he admitted as he turned around slightly from jungkooks intense gaze.

"okay" was all the older said as he leaned forward,  his elbows resting against his knees as he felt taehyung moving off the couch onto the floor.

Taehyung was kneeling in front of Jungkook between his legs making him blush from the intimate position however despite his internal turmoil he reached for the pad, applying alcohol onto the said thing as he slowly reached up to gently press down on jungkooks bruise.

A low growl left jungkooks lips as he felt taehyung pressing down hard on his wound making the said male to sheepishly smile. "s-sorry if it h-hurts" he whispered as he removed the cotton pad and now opened a plaster.

"it's fine" jungkook breathed as he stared at taehyung with an unreadable expression.

Why is he staring at me so much? God, i can feel my cheeks heating up!

"you're blushing" jungkook stated as he watched taehyungs adam apple bob up and down thickly as he licked his lips, his eyes remaining there for a few long seconds before he looked away abrubtly.

"i seem to always blush in your presence" taehyung muttered to himself as he placed the plaster on jungkooks cut that was sat on his chin. (the older had a very very bruised and cut face, taehyung managing to clean all of them perfectly). He didnt know jungkook had heard him until he looked at the older who stared back at him with wide eyes.

"what?" jungkook coughed as he looked right into taehyungs eyes making him all flustered. He hastily got up from the floor immedietly zipping up the bag as he avoided eye contact with jungkook.

"n-nothing. Are you hungry? I have food" taehyung quickly changed the subject as he clasped his hands together while he looked at jungkook nervously.

The older regained his consciousness, his mild shock disappearing within a second as he nodded his head simply at taehyungs question.

Taehyung smiled widely as he ran to the kitchen, almost tripping over his step.

He returned back to the couch as he opened the noodles, handing a pair of chopsticks over to jungkook who thanked him briefly. The awkwardness was soon gone as both males ate in silence, devouring their dinner like animals.

Taehyung sighed as he placed down his chopsticks while he leaned back on the couch placing a hand over his stomach. "i'm so full" he whined as he closed his eyes momentarily, blushing bright red as he opened them to see jungkook looking at him weirdly.

"you hardly ate anything and you're full? No wonder you're so thin" jungkook muttered the last sentence under his breath as he too placed his chopsticks down. Taehyung blushed from jungkooks forward words.

"whats the time?" jungkook suddenly asked he tried to look around for a clock. Taehyung checked his phone.

"half nine..."  Taehyung replied as he warily watched jungkook from the corner of his eyes noticing how the male was having an internal crisis.

"y-you- you can stay if you want... My parents wont be home until eleven" taehyung suggested as he sat up, fiddling with his fingers as jungkook turned to look at him.

"yeah? You dont mind if i stay?" jungkook asked as he watched taehyung carefully.

"of course n-not, we can watch a movie! I've been meaning to rewatch the little mermaid  but i havent had time.." Taehyung trailed off shyly noticing how his excitement got the better of him.

Jungkooks eyes lasted on him for a few moments longer before he leaned against the couch. "put it on then" jungkook shrugged as he looked at the younger expectantly who seemed surprised at his agreement.

Seconds the later the movie was up and running, both Boys sat on the couch with little distance between them. Taehyung smiled as his favourite scene  appeared making jungkook look at him from the corner of his eye resulting in him to blush once again.

It was around half ten the movie finished. Taehyung yawned as he switched off the tv, his yawn contagious as jungkook soon yawned thereafter.

"did you like it?" taehyung asked shyly as he saw how jungkook shrugged his shoulders in reply.

"i dont really care for disney"

"i think their love is so cute..." Taehyung muttered in his own world, a soft smile on his face.

"how so? They seem like any other couple" jungkook stated as his eyes were glued onto taehyung who looked at him in mock surprise.

"they are better than any other couple! They really loved eachother! I with to have love like that one day" taehyung admitted shyly as he fiddled with his fingers, looking down.

"oh Yeah? Get yourself a nice little girlfriend who can tolerate your excessive excitement" jungkook joked as he rolled his eyes playfully.

"b-boyfriend actually" taehyung whispered. Jungkook was taken back by the males words.

"well...boyfriend too" jungkook awkwardly spoke as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"what about you? Do you want to fall in love?  Find yourself a girl to marry?" taehyung asked curiously.

"im also gay. ive never really thought about it either" jungkook sighed as he looked away from taehyung.

The thought of Jungkook not wanting or thinking about falling in love somehow saddened the younger as he fiddled with the cloth of his t-shirt a frown etched on his face.

Jungkook realised the sudden change of mood as taehyung didnt speak any more so he got up deciding it was best to leave as it was almost eleven o clock meaning taehyungs parents would be home any time soon.

Taehyung looked up at him, another yawn escaping his mouth as he tiredly got up.

"are you leaving?"

"yeah" jungkook breathed out as he shrugged on his leather jacket.

"what about your parents?" taehyung asked worriedly as he rubbed his eyes lazily trying to fight the sleep that was to overcome him.

"don't worry about me, i'll just sneak in. You look tired, get some sleep" jungkook muttered as he glanced at taehyung one more time before leaving, the house suddenly feeling cold without the males presence.

Taehyung smiled at jungkooks almost caring words.

He's not so bad after all

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