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Jungkook view

The ravenette lays boredly on his bed, his brows etched into a frown as he thinks back to the disastrous selfie he and taehyung attempted to take. The side of his lips slightly curve up as he remembered taehyungs flustered state from being in such a position with him- his head layed on his chest in a boyfriend like manner.

Jungkook immedietly sat up, his eyes wide.

Here i am smiling at just thinking of him... What on earth has gotten into you jungkook? Why do i feel so... Lighthearted?  As if nothing matters but our moments together?

It couldnt be...like that.  No way.

Jungkook shook his head, his black strands swaying at the movement before getting pushed back by a hand. He grabbed his shirt instantly throwing it on his half naked state.

Just as he was about to leave his room, a light buzzing sound was heard coming from under his bed sheets, of course it was the males phone.

With a frown, jungkook reached for the said device checking the caller, his mood slightly better on seeing it was his friend - yoongi, who he met no less than three years ago, since then both Boys have been very close.

"yo yoongs, whats up" jungkook swiftly muttered as he ran a hand through his hair. (it was a habit).

"dude, my parents are out of the country - you know what that means"

"one hell of a sick ass party of course" jungkook whistled, a smirk playing on his lips.

"fuck yeah, i'll see you tonight at eleven? Also bring a Plus one if you can - the more the fucking merrier dude!"

Jungkook shook his head disapprovingly  at his Friends immature behaviour although his smiling face told otherwise. He hung up as he muttered a small "we'll see". 

He sighed as he wondered if he actually had a Plus one to bring, usuallly he'd attend by himself and get drunk until he passed out which is what he planned to do now until a certain someone invaded his mind.

He'll probably say no 
You dont know that

Even i do ask i dont even have his number,
Jeez stop making excuses, mom will have it

Jungkook sprinted downstairs, startling his mom with his loud entrance as he practically banged the door open.

"mom, can i have the tuition centres' number?" jungkook asked as he impatiently tapped his foot against the ground.

"oh, okay, my phones on the kitchen counter" she said warily as she eyed her son with cautious eyes.

Jungkook walked into the kitchen, immedietly spotting his mothers phone as said, sitting on the counter. He went to the contact app, ringing the centre, hearing a cheery voice through the speaker.

"can i have the number of your employee, Kim taehyung" jungkook forwardly ask, his fingers tapping on the counter as he waited for the reply.

"may i ask why?"

"i need to ask him about some homework he gave me" jungkook skillfully lied as he smirked, hearing the lady agree hesitantly as she gave away taehyungs number.

"thanks." jungkook said as he hung up.

He went on to his own phone, his fingers tapping hurriedly on the device as he put in taehyungs number.

"taehyung?" jungkook spoke into the phone once the younger picked up.

"uh yeah.. Who is this?"

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