|29| b-day boy

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Taehyung view

"mommy can i talk to you?" Taehyung asked nervously as he plopped himself onto the couch beside his mother.

"yes dear. what is it?"

"you know how today is jungkookies birthday and that he gets his results, i-im just worried because ive planned a nice date f-for us to celebrate him turning 19 b-but 'm scared cause what if h-he fails t-the exam and hes really s-sad about it?" Taehyung bit on his lip worried about the situation that had been on his mind for days now.

"oh honey" mrs kim smiled sympathetically at her son, pulling him closer. "you can still make him happy if he doesnt pass, you know that. Take him on the date, it'll make him feel better" she advised making Taehyung smile apprecietevly at her.

"r-really? o-okay then. t-thank you" Taehyung kissed her on the cheek, telling her he was going to visit jungkook for the rest of the day.


Jungkook view

Jungkook was currently sat at his desk, his eyes narrowed directly at his phone as he waited anxiously for his test results to be emailed to him.

He was snapped out of his glaring once he heard Taehyungs voice making him turn around immedietly and smile in relief.

"you're here" he sighed, getting up to join Taehyung who was sitting on the bed.

"hmm. H-have the results come?"

"no, not yet. Im pretty nervous. Ive never felt nervous before, its weird" jungkook made a funny face at his statement causing Taehyung to giggle at him.

"dont be nervous kookie. You worked really hard on this exam. You should be happy even if  you dont get in, b-but i hope thats not the case" Taehyung reassured, running his hand through jungkooks hair that seemed to calm him down.

The older grabbed a hold of Taehyungs thighs as he pulled him up to sit on his lap. Taehyung smiled at the action, wrapping his arms around jungkooks neck as he played with the ends of the males hair. "yeah? You'll still be proud of me?" jungkook breathed out into Taehyungs neck as his face was buried their.

"of course" the younger whispered in reply.

Just as jungkook was about to reply he recieved a notification on his phone, immedietly he reached for his device quickly turning it on to see he had an email from seoul university making taehyungs eyes widen in surprise along with jungkooks.

"o-open it, w-why're you waiting" Taehyung breathed out shakily as jungkook continued to stare at the notification.

"y-yeah uh-" jungkook clicked on the mail, his leg bouncing up and down in anticipation.

"congratulations on passing your exam jeon jungkook! We look forward..."

Were the first words jungkook read. He let out a breath he didnt know he was holding.

"i passed" he stated in a daze, not believing his eyes.

"y-you passed. Jungkook you passed!" taehyung squealed in delight as he threw himself onto jungkook completetly making them fall flat onto the bed, jungkooks arms wrapping around taehyungs waist protectively.

They soon broke apart from their hug, taehyung sitting up so he was straddling jungkook completetly. "'m so proud of you!" the younger smiled his boxy smile, laughing.

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