|4| crybaby

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Jungkook view

Jungkooks hand flew away from behind his head as it reached to angrily tap on his phone continuously, aiming to get the annoying sound of an alarm clock gone. Yes, he had an alarm on for half two so he wouldnt be late for his session as he had taken a nap earlier.

He got up, walking to his closet as he fished out a plain white t-shirt, showing off his tattooed arms proudly that he had inked almost a year ago much to his parents dissapproval.

Once he ran a jeweled hand through his hair, a few strands sitting up for a while before they set back down, the male Made his way downstairs as he grabbed an energy drink from the fridge trying to ignore his mother as much as possible while he closed the door quietly.

However just at that time, Mrs jeon walked through the kitchen door, raising a brow at her sons poor choice of drink as she watched him open the can and immedietly chug it down in literally just a few gulps.

"have you started on your homework yet?" she asked as she took a seat at the kitchen island, opening up the newspaper her husband had left sitting this morning.

Jungkook groaned as he closed his eyes, already knowing this question was going to be asked, he took another swing at his drink before setting the drink down. He sighed. "no, not yet" he replied, his tone hinting at annoyance.

"and why not?" Mrs jeon asked sharply, looking up from the newspaper, eyeing jungkook unimpressed.

"havent got round to it" jungkook grunted as he rolled his eyes, grabbing his drink while he made his way to the door, slamming it on the way out in anger leaving his mom to gape at the air.

"havent got round to it my ass!" she rolled her eyes, going back to read the newspaper.


Soon enough around three o clock taehyung arrived at the tuition centre, placing his backpack down neatly in the room allocated especially for the tutors. He signed in and then Made his way to the usual spot he and jungkook had.

However he was surprised to see the male already sitting there, watching how his foot was tapping against the ground showing his impatience.

"jungkook? You're early" taehyung stated as he grabbed the maths book wanting to continue where he and jungkook left off yesterday.

"you sure you arent just late?" jungkook scowled as he eyed the time on his phone.

Taehyung ignored jungkooks snarky comment as he eyed the energy drink on the desk, his lips curling in distaste "you shouldn't drink that stuff...it's very unhealthy" he muttered as he heard jungkook scoff.

"yeah? Who said i cared. I dont need you to worry about me" jungkook rolled his eyes annoyed, purposely taking another swing at his drink.

He looked up at taehyung as he watched the male find the page in the maths book clearly choosing to ignore his second comment. Jungkook looked conflicted, as if he wanted to ask a question however he didnt want to appear as too eager.

Oh fuck it

"Did you mark my work?" he asked, his voice coming out rushed as he raised a brow at the younger who looked shocked for a second by the sudden question.

"u-uh yeah...h-hold on a second..."  Taehyung mumbled as he hurriedly looked through his stack of papers, smiling widely as he found it. "got it!"

Jungkooks gaze peeked up curiously as he stared intently at the piece of paper taehyung currently held, but before the younger could hand it over nicely it was suddenly snatched out of his hands making him frown.

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