|9| fruit and nuts

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Jungkook view

"y-you what?" taehyung asked, not even trying to hide his shock as he stared at jungkook with wide eyes who appeared unaffected by the males reaction.

Jungkook looked around, his lips pressed in a flat line as he turned to look at taehyung again.

"are you deaf? I said im staying longer" The older rolled his eyes as he tapped his fingers on the desk as he masked his vulnerability. 

He couldnt let taehyung know the male was actually having an effect on his learning.

"uhm, but i also have another student jungkook..."  Taehyung spoke carefully, not wanting to anger the ravenette who rolled his tongue against the inside of his cheek at his words, clearly annoyed.

"so? You arent capable of teaching two kids at once?" jungkook sneered as he glared at the younger who tried to hide his tired expression at jungkooks rude attidude.

"fine. Stay" taehyung simply muttered as he walked off to grab more books leaving jungkook to sit there, brows furrowed as if deep in thought.

Taehyung came back just in time as he saw his other student arrive. He smiled sweetly as he greeted him making jungkook stare with narrowed eyes.

Why does he never greet me?
You're not exactly that approachable jungkook, come on.

Jungkook exhaled as he leaned back in his chair, waiting for taehyung to finish with the young boy as he explained quadratic sequences to him.

The younger smiled as he turned around to face jungkook, his hand clasped together as he asked the male what he wanted to do in maths.

"i dont know... Factorising?" jungkook carelessly muttered as he scanned the page he randomly opened the book to making taehyung sigh at his childlike behaviour.

"okay... By the looks of it you dont seem like you know what that is so let me thoroughly explain- dont roll your eyes at me jungkook, you're the one who chose to stay another hour" taehyung breathed out as he shot a pointed look at the older who simply raised a brow at the males confidence before he just shrugged and muttered a "whatever".

Taehyung leaned down so he was able to write on the paper. Jungkook caught a whiff of the males scent again however this time it was different.

Cherry and macadamia...

No frown or sneer adorned jungkooks face this time as he secretly inhaled the natural scent of his tutor, instead he let the smell invade his nostrils, his nose (and him) deciding he liked the fresh smell of fruit and nuts.

"so you have this expression yes? You have the 7x and the number 10 here, so what you have to do is that you have to find a pair of numbers that times  to Make 7 but  add  to Make 10. Understand? Let me show you.  So ten... One and ten Make ten, two and five Make ten when timesing. What do two and five Make when added jungkook?"

"uh, seven"

"exactly! So there you have your pair of numbers, 2 and 5. The next bit is really easy okay? All you do is draw two brackets, in the first bracket we put an x as you get that from the expression, so we have x plus two, and in the second bracket its exactly the same but its x plus five. Do you understand where i got that from?"

"i guess" jungkook sighed as he looked at taehyungs example carefully as he tried to peice together what the male did.

"it's really easy but if you'd like me to explain a second time i can" taehyung suggested nicely as he twirled the pen in his hand now stood up straight as he gave jungkook a supportive smile.

"no thanks"  jungkook simply replied as he looked at the book. "i'll do the questions"

"okay!" taehyung chirped as he was happy jungkook understood it on the first go.

Jungkook scoffed as he watched taehyung help the other boy.

Does he hate teaching me that much?
Why do you care?

Jungkook rolled his tongue against the inside of his mouth as he watched taehyung laugh with the other kid making his insides churn with anger for some unknown reason. He looked away, ignoring the weird feeling in his chest  as he scribbled down the answers hastily not noticing the proud look taehyung was giving him.


"have you done?" taehyung yawned as he looked down at jungkook sleepily who shoved his piece of paper in the youngers hands while he refused to look at him, his face scrunched up into a frown.

"you got it all right, well done" taehyung sleepily muttered as he slowly handed back the paper to jungkook who stared at him with an unreadable expression.

Why isnt he proud

"you dont seem bothered that i did. Shouldnt you support me, seen as though you're my tutor?" jungkook angrily spoke as he shoved the paper into his bag.

Taehyung looked at him surprised for a moment before he closed his eyes momentarily, exhaling.

He looked at jungkook, a glint of annoyance in his eyes as he proceeded to speak.

"i'm just tired okay? You dont have to be so angry"

"tired? It's five o clock, how are you tired?" jungkook snapped as he glared icily at the brunette.

"sorry but some of us actually have to work hard! Ive been teaching non stop for two hours straight jungkook! Just- just go home" taehyungs voice raised until it degraded to a mere whisper as he closed his eyes, having had enough of Jungkooks attidude.

"teaching? All you've done is explain one little thing, i'd hardly call that teaching" The older scoffed making taehyung flinch from his words.

"well if i cant teach what are you still doing here? Get yourself another tutor if you dont like the way i explain maths or science- english or whatever it is i help you with!" taehyung yelled, earning the attention of other students before they looked away, disturbed by jungkooks glare.

"fine! Leave me like everyone else does! You havent helped me once anyway. You're just a waste of space taehyung. I hope to never see your stupid excuse of a face again" jungkook snarled expecting taehyung to apologise immedietly however what happened next certainly did not cross his mind.

Because taehyungs head was hung low until he raised it slightly, tears slowly running down his cheeks as he grabbed his bag and ran out, not sparing jungkook one glance at all leaving the male to stare at his retreating figure.

Fucking hell jungkook

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