|24| tearful confessions

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Jungkook view

Days passed ever since the incident at the ice cream shop. Taehyung would visit jungkook every day, never failing to help the older learn and revise as he was always on his back, even at his own home where he would facetime the raven haired as they studied over the phone.

The younger was positive jungkook was going to do well as they had covered all the content in time, and since the older always got the answers to taehyungs quick quizzes correct. There was only one evening left until the morning of the exam.

Jungkook had just finished eating dinner as he was now sat on his bed, sheets splayed out infront of him as the tip of his black ball point pen scribbled down all sorts of unimportant (in his opinion) maths equations he needed to learn for tomorrow. He sighed as he dropped his pen, his hand ruffling his long raven locks frustratedly. 

Just as he was about to clear up, the door of his room opened revealing mr jeon, his stern expression on his face as always as he strode through jungkooks room without asking causing the younger to scowl immedietly as he eyed his father.

"revising?" mr jeon muttered in  shock as he gazed at the messy papers scattered across jungkooks bed who simply scowled harder at his fathers expression of shock.

"how did it feel robbing a shop jungkook? Fun?"

Jungkook didnt reply.

"answer me young boy"

"yes father. Very fun" jungkook mockingly utterly, staring right into his fathers eyes in a daring manner, as if challenging him.

"what were you thinking! Getting arrested like that when people know you're my son!  Couldnt you have thought about what kind of bad name you were putting on us! And all for that tutor of yours too. I dont want you seeing him anymore. Infact, pack your bags jungkook, you're leaving." mr jeon harshly gritted out, not wanting to deal with jungkooks shit anymore even though he was telling him off days after the robbery happened.

Jungkook scoffed, thinking his dad was giving him an empty threat once again so he remained seated on his bed unbothered, waiting for his father to storm out like he always did although this time it never happened like before because mr jeon was still stood there, scowl on his face as he continued to look at Jungkook with glaring eyes, telling him to obey to his instructions immedietly.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows just a little upon realising his dad was not going to leave. He sat up straight on the bed whilst looking at mr jeon carefully.

"You're serious?" Jungkook muttered under his breath whilst looking at his father in mild shock.

"yes. I'm sending You to a boarding school in england, its been on my mind for the past year Jungkook, these are crimes  You are committing young man. It cant go on. You'll be leaving first thing tomorrow"

"my exam is tomorrow, and I cant- no wait, I wont leave at all, not now that i-ive actually found the one thing that makes me happy" Jungkook spoke, stuttering on his words as his dad saw him become vulnerbale for the first time in so long.

"You mean to say that tutor of yours makes You happy? He's the reason I'm sending You in the first place!" mr jeon boomed as he stepped forward towards Jungkook, who looked up at him with angry eyes.

"I dont care! I love him! And theres nothing You can do about it!" Jungkook yelled back, his hands balled into fists as he breathed in heavily, completely angry at his father.

"pack your bags. I wont repeat myself again" mr jeon muttered, walking out of the room immedietly leaving Jungkook to calm himself down.

"fuck" the raven haired breathed out whilst raking a hand through his hair frustratedly, thinking about the horrible situation he was put in. He knew his father well enough to know he had just crossed his limits And now there was no going back. He threw himself down on the bed,  a few papers flying at the impact.

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