|26| he's sincere

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I kinda dont wanna feed you all w/ these updates because that means the books gonna be over soon and I dont want that but at the same time I love updating so enjoyy

Make sure to take note of the dates for the next chapters

Taehyung view

Taehyung was seated at the cafe across from the university jungkook was currently taking his one and a half hour exam in, so to pass time the male regarded it useless to actually head home and then come back so here he was enjoying a white chocolate smarties cookie with a milkshake on the side. 

He sighed whilst fiddling with his paper straw that had gone all disgusting from him continuously biting on in worry for jungkook as he wandered how the male was doing. Maybe hes finding it easy?

"ah whatever taehyung. He'll be okay" the younger shook his head to recover him from his thoughts as he took another bite into his cookie. It was currently 12:15 meaning that jungkook only had half an hour left of his exam, so with that thought in mind taehyung finished off his remains of his cookie, asking the waitress for a chocolate one this time.


Taehyung gasped upon realising the time causing him to shoot up from his seat as he quickly grabbed his phone and rushed out of the cafe.

As soon as he was outside he was met with a crowd of youngsters rushing outside of the double doors - expressions of complete happiness on their faces as they all conversed with one another however Taehyung couldnt care less as he was now stood on his tip toes, craning his neck whilst he tried to find a certain raven haired male but it was difficult due to all the students walking out.

A few seconds passed until jungkook finally made his way out of the building, making Taehyungs face light up immedietly as they both made eye contact. The said 17 year old ran up to jungkook as he threw his whole weight on him in a bone crashing hug, feeling jungkooks hands wrap around him tightly.

They pulled away, Taehyung looking at jungkook with worried eyes. "how was it?" he nibbled on his lip nervously as jungkooks expression was blank.

That was until he broke out into a huge smile, pulling Taehyung closer to him. "everything we revised came in the test" he grinned down at the younger who sighed in relief from his words.

"thank you. For helping me" jungkook muttered gratefully as he tucked a strand of Taehyungs hair away, placing a kiss to his forehead.

"you're welcome kookie" Taehyung giggled as he gave jungkook an eye smile.

"a-are you hungry?" Taehyung asked as he fiddled with the zip of jungkooks leather jacket.

"hm. That exam built up quite an appetite"

"i-i know a place not too far. Its very tasty!" Taehyung suggested excitedly as he looked at jungkook with wide expectant eyes that sparkled with hope causing jungkook to coo at him. This time it wasnt internally.

"you're so cute tae. so cute" jungkook repeated making Taehyung blush from the compliment as he looked away not used to jungkook acting This way.

"l-lets just g-go"


Soon after they arrived at taehyungs chosen restraunt, the said male a bit too excited for his own good.

Jungkook chuckled at the excited male, shaking his head at him in a playful manner as they sat down in their seat. The restraunt was classy, the interior design being very industrial and artsy which is one of the reasons taehyung favoured this place, and also because their food is mouthwatering. (his words not mine).

"look, they have so many different kinds of meat, and you can have extra hot flavoured wings, although i think they'll be too spicy so you should just go with hot instead-"

"tae, calm down" jungkook laughed, his one hand going over the table to hold taehyungs, his thumb caressing his soft baby like skin making the said younger to sheepishly smile and stop talking, his cheeks turning a faint pink colour.

"s-sorry, 'm just happy" taehyung mumbled shyly, his words making jungkook grin.

"yeah? 'm happy too bun" jungkook muttered in reply as he brought taehyungs hand to his lips, peppering a light kiss to his knuckle.

"lets order. Its my treat" jungkook said, flipping through the menu. Taehyung doing the same.


After having taken a taxi back home, jungkook and taehyung were now at the latters house since his parents were both at work which also meant they had more time to themselves.

Jungkook had no idea if his parents were at home or not, although at the same time he didnt care for them as they hadnt even bothered to call him at all.

So here they were, jungkook laying on taehyungs bed propped up against the headboard whilst taehyung was laying between his legs as he leaned against the olders hard trained chest.

"w-what are your parents going to do when you go home kookie?" taehyung asked worriedly as he fiddled with jungkooks fingers that were resting on his tummy.

"i dont know tae" jungkook sighed. "but lets not worry about that okay?" jungkook playfully tickled taehyungs tummy earning a loud squeal to emit from the boy.

"do you still have work?" jungkook asked, looking down at the 17 year old.

"mhm" taehyung made a sound of agreement. "'m sad though 'cause summers almost over 'n i only have around one week left with you until you go c-college" he muttered sadly, a pout visible on his face.

"if  i get into college" jungkook spoke. "and its okay, one week isnt much, i know, but we can still make it work bun" jungkook softly said, placing a kiss to taehyungs temple as he caressed his waist causing the younger to sigh quietly in relief at the feeling.

"j-jungkook?" taehyung hesitantly called for the raven haired who looked down at him worriedly.

"what is it?" he replied gently.

"w-when you're in c-college, w-will y-you still be my b-boyfriend?" the younger gulped harshly, waiting for jungkooks answer.

"hey, baby, look at me" jungkook spoke to taehyung so softly, as if he would break. Taehyung complied, turning around in jungkooks hold so he was now straddling the male.

"theres no one else i want to be with. Its always going to be you. I'll never leave you, I'll return back to you, and then we have the whole summer to ourselves. Yeah, you like the idea of that baby?" jungkook smiled on seeing taehyungs happy expression. "you're the best choice i've ever made taehyung, i sincerely love you and I'll never go back on my words" jungkook finished with a soft smile.

Taehyung was speechless on hearing those words escape jungkooks mouth, his heart was blooming with love for the other and now he was confident he and jungkook would be okay.

The smaller whined embarrased at loving speech as he hid his face into jungkooks chest, feeling it vibrate from the males laughter.

"baby look at me"

Taehyung whined again however he did what he was told, looking up at jungkook shyly whilst nibbling on his bottom lip.

"so pretty" jungkook whispered, caressing taehyungs hair.

"kookieee" the brunette stretched out the 'e' coming across as a huge baby to jungkook.

"what is it bun?"

"c-can you- can you k-kiss me please?"

"c'mere" jungkook whispered, latching his lips onto taehyungs.

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