|6| harsh blow

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Jungkook view

It was around dinner time jungkook arrived home after he parted ways with taehyung. He sighed as he recalled how he had talked back to his mother so his intentions were to apologise to her. No matter how much of a delinquent he appears on the outside, the male will always love his mother as  she has been with him through the tough times his father left him with.

He walked to the sitting room, a breath escaping his lips as he sat silently beside his mother who seemed shocked to see her son sitting next to her.

She paused the TV, looking worriedly at jungkook. "is everyone okay honey?" she asked sweetly, causing jungkook to crack in an instant.

"i'm so sorry mom" he whispered as he ducked his head down, his eyes focused on his hands that were tightly grasped together.

No other words were needed as Mrs jeon knew exactly what her son was apologising for making her heart ache at seeing her own child in such a state. She immedietly held him in her hold, squeezing him tightly while the younger relaxed in the comforting warmth his mother provided - and had been providing since day one.

She released him as she kissed his head softly, a small smile on jungkooks face from the action.

"lets go warm up dinner hm?" Mrs jeon suggested as she ran her hand gently through jungkooks raven locks, the hair bouncing slightly as he nodded his head, the two heading off into the kitchen as they enjoyed their meal in peace.


Taehyung view

Taehyung was waiting patiently for jungkook to arrive to their third session together.

It's only the third one?  It feels like ive known him for way longer...

He smiled brightly upon seeing the cold face of the raven haired until his eyes travelled to see what the male was wearing - the iconic leather jacket paired with a plain white shirt along with ripped jeans. It was nothing special although jungkook Made it look hot as fuck.

He's so handsome..
Taehyung what the poop no jungkook is not handsome

The younger closed his eyes shut at his thoughts only to open them to see jungkook giving him a weird look as he sat himself down.

"arent you warm in that?" taehyung asked as if wanting to converse making jungkook roll his eyes.

"no" he stated as he looked up at taehyung questioningly. "what are we doing today?" he asked, genuinely curious making taehyung think the older actually did want to be here and not feel forced to attend which caused him to smile unconciously recieving another weird look from jungkook.

"you okay or something?" jungkook asked, his brows raised unimpressed as he watched taehyung nod his head shyly as he fiddled with his fingers.

"i'll go get the english book?" taehyung asked, unsure if jungkook wanted to work on english or not.

"sure" jungkook shrugged his shoulders as he played with one of the rings on his fingers out of boredom.

He's being decent today for some reason...

Taehyung came back, his hands full with multiple english books, luckily he paid alot of attention in english class so he knew enough to teach the older.

"Do you know anything about english?" taehyung asked as he watched jungkook think for a few seconds.

"nope" was jungkooks simple reply as he leaned back on his chair, his head almost touching taehyungs thighs as it was that close.

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