|8| happy

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Taehyung view

It was a quiet sunny afternoon, the sun gleaming proudly as it shone upon the earth. Taehyung smiled as he looked up at the sky, closing his eyes as he relished in the feeling of warmth and peace the sun was providing. He sighed as his eyelids fluttered open while he made his way to the centre.

His stomach was almost howling in excitement as he thought about seeing jungkook.

Just why are you so happy taehyung?

"hello!" taehyung exclaimed as he smiled brightly at the receptionist who gladly returned the smile that was too out of this world to possibly hate. The way taehyungs lips stretched out forming a box shape didnt fail to Make others coo at the cuteness it emitted.

He walked over to his and Jungkooks desk, getting out the english book as he waited patiently for the male to arrive.

In no longer than a minute, jungkook came striding in briskly as always, hands shoved tightly into the pockets of his blue ripped jeans which paired well with his white tee that exposed his tattoos.

Although something was different.

He has a lip piercing... When on earth did he get that??

Jungkook gave him a brief glance before he sat down with an exasperated sigh.

Taehyungs gaze lasted on his lip ring for a few more seconds before he abruptly looked away as jungkook caught him staring making him raise a brow.

"y-you got a lip piercing?" taehyung timidly questioned as he was curious as to why jungkook suddenly decided to pierce his lip.

"yeah" jungkook breathed out. "yesterday"

"oh- it looks n-nice" taehyung shyly admitted as he looked away from jungkooks unreadable stare.

"we're carrying on with your pronounciation today" taehyung told jungkook as he hovered over him while he turned the page in the book.

Jungkook simply ignored his words as he watched taehyung silently, debating whether to ask the question that had been running through his mind all night.

It wasnt much of a debate as he startled taehyung by his words coming out hurried and loud.

"why did you help me yesterday?"

"w-what?" taehyung asked surprised as he stopped looking in the book now looking down at jungkook whom he was still hovered over causing their faces to be close together.

Taehyung slowly stood up straight, still shocked at jungkooks sudden question. He fiddled with his fingers as he looked away.

"look at me" jungkook demanded as he stared intently at taehyung who immedietly looked up at his words making the older smirk slightly.

Did he just smirk??? 

"why did you help me?" jungkook cautiously asked again as he frowned anticipating the youngers reply.

"i-i just did...does it need an explanation?" taehyung stuttered as red glowed accross his cheeks.

"no" jungkook shrugged as he looked away briefly before casting his eyes upon taehyung again. "but i was covered in blood, beating up a guy and me and you arent exactly considered as Friends so i was just curious" he stated as he searched taehyungs eyes curiously.

Taehyung simply blushed even more, his eyes diverted down. "i didnt like seeing you covered in blood" taehyung mumbled as he frowned deep in thought. His words caught jungkook of guard however he dismissed it as the youngers dislike for blood in general, missing the deeper meaning of his words totally- if there even was a deeper meaning.

"lets just g-get started okay?" taehyung hurriedly suggested as he grabbed the english book again, hastily flipping through the pages as he tried to mask his flustered state causing jungkook to stifle a laugh at his obvious behaviour.

Jungkook view

Half an hour into their session taehyung was leaning against the wall as he held the book in his hand while he tested jungkook on some english words such as: 'leveret', 'pathos', 'beautiful' and lastly, 'jealousy'.

"okay sayyy, lev-e-ret"


"no, theres another e, lev-ER- et" taehyung smiled slightly at jungkooks mispronounciations.

"leverret" jungkook tried again as he looked at taehyung.

"okay almost there just dont stretch it as much" taehyung encouraged as he signalled jungkook to try again.

"leveret" jungkook muttered thoughtfully, seeing the smile on taehyungs face made him guess he got it right causing his lips to curve up slightly before it suddenly dropped as he coughed awkwardly.

"nice! Now how about this word -jealousy"

"jealousy?" jungkook muttered in korean as he raised a brow in confusion.

"jealoushy" jungkook said unsurely as he looked up at taehyung to see if he was correct.

"no... Theres no sh sound, remember we talked about that? It's only the s sound. Jealousy. The tip of your tongue must touch the roof of your mouth just behind your front two teeth. Understand?"

Jungkook nodded as he tried again. "jea..lou...sshy"

Taehyung laughed softly at jungkooks funny pronounciation as he shook his head. He halted as he realised what sound he just made, blushing as he came in contact with jungkooks sudden intense stare.

That was cute

What the... Cute? Since when have you ever used the word cute before? 

"o-okay you definitely have the s sound, just get rid of the h" taehyung ordered quietly.

"jea-lousy" Jungkooks voice was slightly raised in triumph as he finally got it right, a small smile was visible on his face before it disappeared in the span of two seconds.

Taehyung smiled brightly as his eyes turned into crescents.

"well done! I'm so proud of you!" taehyung exclaimed, oblivious to the effect his kind words had on the older who shifted uncomfortably from the foreign words he hadnt heard from Anyone in a long time. To hear that someone was proud of him made him happy. Happy for the first time in a long time.

"thank you taehyung" jungkook said, his tone and gaze serious as he kept his eyes on the younger  who squirmed from the sudden change in Jungkooks mood.

"y-you're welcome jungkook" taehyung whispered as he kept his gaze locked with the raven haired before he looked away shyly.

"a-are you leaving now? Its f-four..."

"actually, i think i'll stay for another hour"

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