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Taehyung view

"are you okay to start on these questions lucas?" Taehyung asked the young teen sweetly, watching him nod his head eagerly with a smile. "thats great. Im outside if you need me okay?" he spoke, leaving as lucas nodded his head in approval.

As soon as Taehyung stepped outside he was met with the warmth you'd experience while getting off a plane in a naturally hot country. Today, korea was over its limits for the weather as it was 37 degrees, almost reaching 40. (((a/n Today in england it was the hottest day of the year, it was actually 37° too - 25-07-19))).

He sighed whilst leaning against the wall of the building, closing his eyes momentarily as he basked in the foreign warmth, wanting to enjoy it as temperatures never reach this high usually.

The 17 year old thought he was hearing things when he heard a 'psst' sound come from the alley just next to the wall he was leaning on. He turned his head to the side, seeing no one there, so he resumed his little break until he heard the sound again causing him to actually go and check what it was.

Just as he rounded the corner of the building a hand clasped around his wrist as he was pulled into the alley way, a shriek leaving his mouth whilst he was pushed against the wall however all emotions of fear soon vanished as Taehyung saw the person in front of him, the face belonging to his very own boyfriend jeon Jungkook.

"Jungkook! What are you doing here!" Taehyung exclaimed surprised as he looked up at the older with wide eyes, though a large smile was visible on his face.

Jungkook smirked, placing both hands on Taehyungs hips to keep the male in place between him and the wall as he leaned down close to the others face. "to see you of course. I missed you" he muttered while nuzzling his nose into taehyungs neck, enjoying the soft skin beneath his touch and the pleasant smell of macadamia. 

"you smell pretty"

"how can I smell pretty?"

"everything about you is pretty, thats why"

"you're silly" taehyung giggled like a small child causing jungkook to remove his head from the junction of the youngers neck and look at him instead.

"so pretty" jungkook growled lowly before smashing his lips onto taehyungs earning a gasp from the said male who eventually melted into the hungry kiss controlled by jungkook who grunted from the pleasurable feeling of taehyungs soft lips moving against his.

As breathing through their noses became a bit difficult they both pulled away, panting slightly. Jungkook smiled lightly as he admired taehyungs red swollen lips.

"i-i need t-to get back t-to work" taehyung stuttered timidly out of breath whilst looking away from jungkooks amused face.

"mmhm" jungkook hummed. "so i'll pick you up at five?" 

"i- yes" taehyung smiled gratefully at the older, who in return smiled back  now letting go of the others waist as he stepped back watching taehyung leave towards the building.

As he continued to watch taehyungs retreating back (also noticing how the brunettes hands were both clutched tightly infront of him causing him to chuckle at the youngers absolute shyness) he noticed the said younger stop in his tracks and turn around.

Jungkooks eyebrow raised upon seeing taehyungs actions especially when he kept biting his lip. Though the 18 year old watched in mild surprise as taehyung came running towards him, his body colliding into his as he felt the boy plant a quick soft peck onto his lips.

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