|18| snakes- (lizards) and daisy chains

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Taehyung view

The breeze whacked aggressively against taehyungs face, his hair flying backwards in all different directions as a large boxy smile was casted upon his features. He no longer disliked the thought of riding the motorbike as his distress soon turned into joy as he came to a realisation it wasnt as scary as it seemed.

Jungkook looked down at the male, smiling slightly as he was relieved the younger was enjoying it now instead of worrying to the core. He pressed on  harder, a loud growl erupting from the engine as he sped up even more down the endless road, land of complete greenery on each side of them as they were far from the city.

Taehyung smiled as he screamed loudly, holding one arm out steadily as he closed his eyes, enjoying the wind that hit his face soothingly as he made the best of this experience that was new to him. How have i never done this before, it's so fun.

"still scared?" jungkook teased knowingly as he smirked down at the other who rolled his eyes playfully at the spoken words.

"i never was to begin with jungkook!" taehyung cheered happily whilst both arms were now hanging loosely by his side as he completely relished in the new excitement he was feeling, causing jungkook to snicker at his words and actions.


Minutes later they came to a stop, jungkooks bike parked at the side as he and taehyung sat themselves down on the grassy feild. Taehyung was sat up straight, his legs drawn close to his body as he hugged his knees whilst jungkook sat with one leg drawn to his body as the other was stretched out.

He fumbled around in his pocket, reaching for a cigarette, sighing as he took out the crumpled packet but nevertheless reaching for one and lighting it, ignoring taehyungs frown at his actions.

"the view looks so pretty" taehyung whispered with a soft smile on his face as he gazed at the acre of land before him, admiring the small daisies planted into the ground, and the way the sunlight pleasantly provided them a content atmosphere as it shone upon their faces.

Jungkook looked up briefly at the males words eyeing the field. "it's just grass, but yeah i guess its pretty" he muttered with a small shrug as he picked at the mud below his fingers.

"i mean... The countryside. Compared to the city, i'd say the countryside is way better" taehyung murmured as he carefully picked up a rather large daisy, planting it behind his ear, his words gaining jungkooks interest.

"yeah?" jungkook said after a smoke of his cigarette planting firmly between his lips as he eyed taehyung from the side. "whys that?"

"it's so nice and quiet, you know... The city can be really annoying at times with how loud and busy it is" taehyung shrugged, his cheeks blooming red as he felt nervous under jungkooks intense gaze as he listened to him intentively.

The younger continued to pick at more daisies, fiddling with them as eventually he began to Make a daisy chain effortlessly, his long fingers weaving the thing easily as his crown now sat above his head, decorating his hair perfectly.

They sat there in a comfortable silence, jungkook continuing to inhale horrible smoke as taehyung fiddled with his daisy crown- well it was comfortable until out of the blue taehyung yelled as he immedietly latched himself onto jungkook, his hands clutching the males bicep as he hid behind his back, his legs almost wrapping around the others waist as he was literally on him.

Jungkook was startled to say the least as his eyes widened for a split second, getting rid of his cigarette as he tried to turn his head around to look at a freaked out taehyung who was looking at the grass in front of him with wide fearful eyes.

"get off me, what are you doing-"

"theres a s-snake!" taehyung yelled out of his mind as he almost deafened jungkook from his loud voice.  The older could feel the brunette shaking behind back making him sigh as he asked him again: "what?  What do you mean theres a snake, there cant be" The older said irritated as he looked at taehyung from the corner of his eye as best as he could.

"t-there! I saw it! p-please make it go away" taehyung whimpered scared as he wrapped his legs around jungkooks waist fully, his arms still clutching onto his arms as he persisted not to let go until the 'snake' was gone.

Jungkook looked to where taehyung previously pointed, leaning forward just a little earning a scream from taehyung. "shut up will you, i'm trying to see what it is, it doesnt look like a snake"

Jungkook narrowed his eyes before his lifted up a hand to pinch the bridge of his nose as he sighed unimpressed. "Its only a fucking lizard - jeez taehyung"

"a l-lizard?!" The younger yelped once again as he looked at jungkook with wide eyes.  "that's just as bad as a  snake, please get rid of it jungkook" taehyung whined at the end causing jungkook to shoot him a displeased look until the male eventually found a stick and shooed the lizard away carefully as taehyung had told him to "get rid of it politely."

"you can get off me now" jungkook deadpanned as he looked at taehyung who flushed red as he realised he was still latched onto jungkook causing him to scramble off and fall onto the ground, luckily it was just grass.

Jungkook sighed unimpressed as he looked down at taehyung who was lying on the ground, smiling sheepishly above at the other before eventually sitting up straight and sorting out his daisy crown ignoring jungkooks sigh.

They both got up, deciding it was best to leave after taehyung had lost the will to stay upon seeing the so called 'snake'. Jungkook mounted the motorbike, shuffling back in his seat as he waited for taehyung to climb on, to his detest the climb hadnt been so pleasant as taehyung literally threw himself onto the older for a second time that day, whacking his elbow into his stomach causing jungkook to grunt out as he pinched the bridge of his nose trying not to lose his shit at the younger who had finally seated himself down properly.

"i cant believe you" jungkook muttered as he moved forward his arms clutching the handles as he turned on the bike, so ready to finally leave.

"what was that?" taehyung muttered, his voice coming out airy due to his 'hard' climb onto the bike as he made himself comfy, a smile on his happy face (due to getting on the bike without jungkooks help) .

"nothing. Ready?" jungkook dodged the question as he looked at taehyung while asking his question to Make sure the male was holding onto the handlebars so he wouldnt jerk and you know - fall off, or into Jungkooks front, which the older did not want either  to happen.

"mhm. Lets go!" taehyung cheered as he pumped a fist in the air as jungkook sped off through the empty road.

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