The Potion Master

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Already my brother and Draco had strengthens their hatred for each other. By the end of our first class, they wouldn't leave each other alone. For example, yesterday in transfiguration, our first class of the year, Harry and Ron has of course gotten to class late. McGonagall is an animagus and was in her form and then popped out when they finally got to class. She scolded them but of course Draco, my best friend he may be, decided to be an idiot. McGonagall left for five seconds and decided to throw a piece of paper at his head and after class they ended up wrestling. Ugh boys.
Anyways, today was our first potions class and I was super excited. I couldn't wait to make potions. They were interesting to learn. It was like chemistry but even better since the product made actually does something. I had studied all about them.
I walked with Draco, Blaise, and to the potion classroom. I whispered to Draco, "Now, don't make an argument with Harry, please. I really want to learn in this class."
"I won't mess this up for you, Ginger." I rolled my eyes and laughed. He told me that my hair was red and really pretty so he decided to call me Ginger.
We walked into the room and nobody was there yet. We sat down but the tables were in twos, so I sat next to Draco and Blaise sat next to Nicole.
     A bit later, the seats began to fill up and I saw my brother and Ron sit down. It had been a few minutes but the door slammed shut and the black haired professor walked in. "There will be no foolish wand-waving in this classroom." He was talking and I noticed my brother taking notes when Professor Snape, coughed and said, "Ah Mr. Potter, one of our new celebrities. Tell me Mr. Potter what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"
     Harry stared at him and said, "I don't know sir."
     Draco was laughing but I elbowed him in the side and said, "Be nice."
     "Alright, sorry," he responded.
     Professor Snape continued, "Let's try again. Potter, what would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?"
     "I don't know sir." The guy seemed nice but he was rude to my brother.
     "What is the difference, Potter, between monkshood and wolfsbane?"
     "I don't know sir."
     Professor Snape looked at me and said, "Can anyone answer these fairly simple questions?"
     I raised my hand and he smiled. Again everybody gasped. "Miss Potter?"
     "First questions answer is the Draught of Living Death, the second answer is in the stomach of a goat and the third is they are the same plant. It is also known as aconite."
     "Very nice Reb...Miss Potter. 20 points to Slytherin. Today will be making a cure for boils."
    He almost called me Rebecca which was odd but anyways he began instruction and we started making our potions.
     Professor Snape had shown us a demonstration and left the cauldron to show us what to perfect. We were to work with the person next to us.
     It had been maybe 15, 20 minutes when we finished. I was enjoying myself a lot. Draco and I took our potion to Professor Snape and his words exactly were, "This is better quality than any first year maybe even second year. 30 points to Slytherin for hard work."
     Draco and I high fives but one the way down our hands interlocked. We stared for a second but then we quickly put our hands to our sides. I blushing like mad but luckily Professor Snape started again, "Have you ever made a potion Miss Potter?"
     "I mean I studied quite a bit but I never made one."
     "This is quite good work for a first year and first time potioneer. I hope you keep improving."
     After class, Harry seemed upset so I walked with him to his dormitory and spent time with him. After supper though, Draco walked me back to the common room.
     "Ginger, we are a really good team," said Draco.
     "Professor Snape thinks I'm a good potion maker," I exclaimed.
     "I know, it's great."
     "I couldn't help notice though," I said staring at Draco, "Professor Snape almost called me Rebecca, did you hear him?"
     "Yeah, that does seem odd but I don't think it's anything to worry about. I think he knew your mum." he replied. I nodded and went to bed.
     I was sleeping when I had a dream. I was walking on a street. I looked in one of the houses and a creepy looking man walked up the stairs pulled out his wand, "Move out of the way, blood traitor," he yelled. The man he was yelling at didn't move so he yelled a spell, a green light spread, and man was on the floor dead. The creepy man walked up the stairs and I heard a woman say, "Rebecca, Harry, mummy loves you, dadda loves you. We'll protect you and," but she turned to the doorway and the creepy man in the cloak yelled, "Move Mudblood, and you will be spared." She told him no and with a green light the woman was on the floor dead. I realized that the man and woman that were killed were my parents.
     I woke up with a jolt and screamed. Pug face moved slightly but it didn't wake her up. I had tears pouring down my eyes. I crept down to the common room and sat under a blanket and cried. So much for a good day I guess.

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