The Godfathers Part 1

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Rebecca PoV
        I opened my eyes and felt relieved. I finally could see something that was normal.
        I looked to the right and Draco was say down and had his face in his hands.
        I opened my mouth and started to say, "Draco?" but I couldn't get anything out.
        It took me everything but I managed to ask, "Draco?"
         He looked up and looked to me but must of thought that he was imagining it.
         I tried to sit up but couldn't move much so I called again, "Draco, can you help me up?"
         Draco turned to me and stared and asked, "Is it actually you?"
       I questioned, "Why wouldn't I be?"
Draco PoV
      Her looking at me with her green eyes flaring and acting like she knew would seem normal but in the last two days she would snap.
     Only once did she wake up and remember me as someone who cared all the other times she would threaten me or say that I wasn't "him."
       I couldn't figure out who "him" was when it hit me.
       I called for Professor Snape but he didn't manage to come so instead Professor Lupin helped.
       I whispered to Lupin that I thought that she was imperized by Sirius Black, and he was trying to fufill one of Voldemort's desires which included making my girlfriend his "queen."
      I walked over and held her hand.
      She asked, "Why can't I move well?"
      I responded, "When you were cursed, the love potions you drank caused you to overdose and so they made you weak but within a day or so you should be better."
     She cocked her head to the side and whispered, "I love you, Blondie," before she fell back asleep.
Rebecca PoV
       Within a day or so I was almost entirely back to normal, however whoever cast the imperious curse on me knew what they were doing.
       I'll get random unnatural thoughts but I've trained myself to ignore them.
       Luckily, I had some time to relax this weekend for our hogsmeade trip which I was cleared for.
      Draco was planning on taking me to the Three Broomsticks for a celebration date of sorts.
      We got there and sat down but before I could order anything I heard Fudge, the minister, Hagrid, McGonagall, and Flitwick walked in and start talking to Rosmerta.
        I ordered my food but as while Draco and I were waiting, Fudge mentioned my father.
        Fudge loudly started, "Yes, James Potter was quite the handful."
        McGonagall cried, "James Potter and Sirius Black were the best of friends almost brothers how could this of happened?"
       Rosmerta replied, "I'm not sure Minerva."
       Fudge exclaimed, "That isn't the worst of it all. Of everything, till this day Sirius Black is Harry Potter's godfather."
       Hagrid replied, "Nobody but Dumbledore ows' about Becca's."
        I stared at the group gossiping about my parents and my unknown godfather, with tears in my eyes.
       I turned to Draco and sniffled, "Ive...Ive got to go."
       I ran out of Hogsmeade all of the way back to the castle where I ran to the dungeons when Professor Snape stopped me.
     I turned around and looked at him, tears running down my face.
    He asked, "Why aren't you in Hogsmeade?"
     I wiped my eyes, and responded, "I found out something and it isn't good."
     He asked, "Would you like to come inside and talk about it?"
     I nodded and walked inside the potions room.
     He asked me, "Now, what is the matter?"
      I breathed, "My dad's best friend was Sirius Black and he got my mother and father killed and is trying to murder his godson. As well, my godfather is someone I have no idea about."
     He sighed, "I think it's time you know the truth."

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