A Year Gone

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     I opened my eyes to a bright light and the hospital wing.
     I looked over and saw Harry in a bed beside me reading a book.
     "Harry, what are we doing here?" I voiced.
     He looked at me and yelled, "Malfoy,  Ron, Hermione, she's up!"
     I saw Draco walk in and say, "What?" but he didn't finish what he was saying when he looked at me.
     He laughed, "Well it had only been a week this time."
     "What even happened? I just remembered fighting Quirrell and we got the stone. Wait, the stone, did Quirrell get it? Is everyone fine?" I looked at Draco. He had a healing gash on the side of his face, "Oh my goodness, Draco, are you ok? This is all my fault, if I would've told him everything you and Harry," I looked at Harry and saw cuts on his face," wouldn't be hurt."
     "If you would have, we would probably be dead," replied Harry.
"I'm so sorry," I cried, "Draco, Hermione, and Ron shouldn't have come. They wouldn't be hurt, or used as pawns in Quirrell's plan."
"You wouldn't of lasted a minute without us," said a voice. I looked over and saw Hermione and Ron standing.
"Ronald, be nice," snapped Hermione, "I'm glad to see you up."
I laughed, "I'm glad to be up. Are you guys alright?"
"Well, Ron has quite a few bruises, so does Harry. I only have a couple scratches," Hermione explained, "I think Draco has it worst. I don't know if you have seen them yet but he has cuts up and down his legs."
We talked for a little while until Madam Pomfrey made them go out but she let me go to the feast.
I walked into the great hall and Hermione quickly ran up to me. "Um, before you go, I couldn't say it in front of Draco but we think that he has night terrors cause the Slytherins have been complaining about someone yelling something about ,"No let me help her." And Harry said that Quirrell used the Imperious curse on Draco so try to not bring it up or the whole night terror thing."
My eyes were wide, "Merlin, I won't. I want to make sure that he's ok. I mean of course I won't bring it up. I lo... I care about him a lot."
Hermione smirked, "Do you like him?"
I whispered, "Honestly, the Mirror of Erised showed me and Draco getting married along with my parents being there and Draco saw him asking my dad and Harry to marry me and then he saw our family."
Hermione replied shocked, "Wow, that must be an awkward realization, isn't it."
"Yeah," I realized, "But don't tell Harry or Ron. I'll see you later."
I ran to the Slytherin table and went to sit down next to Draco but Parkinson shoved me to the side. I walked around and sat next to Nicole.
"Oh Dracey, the cut on your face must hurt so bad. You should tell me how you got it," she said winking.
I could see Draco tense up so I said, "I wonder who will win the house cup."
"I keep forgetting that you haven't been here," said Nicole, "Slytherin is in the lead."
I heard a tap on a glass and looked up at Dumbledore.
"Everyone, a year has gone by and it is time for us to award the house cup. Points are Gryffindor in 4th with 300 Hufflepuff with 312, Ravenclaw with 347 and Slytherin with 360.
     "I believe that the house cup will be awarded to Slytherin House," Everyone cheered but Dumbledore interrupted, "Yes, well done Slytherin House but I believe some more points are meant to be awarded. To Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the best played game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years. 50 points. Next to Miss Hermione Granger for cool logic in the face of fire. 50 points. To Mr Harry Potter, for pure nerve and outstanding courage. 60 points. To Mr Draco Malfoy, for standing by loved ones against the unlikely. I award Slytherin House 50 points. To Miss Rebecca Potter, for discovering what is needed and for selfless manners in a time of need, 60 points," he paused, "Finally, to Mr Neville Longbottom, standing up your enemies is hard but standing up to your friends is more difficult, 10 points."
     I realized that Slytherin and Gryffindor were tied and I looked up again at Dumbledore, "I believe that means we must have a small change in decoration. For the first time in Hogwarts history, Gryffindor and Slytherin tie for the house cup!"
     All the Gryffindors and Slytherins got up and started cheering. Pugface even tried to give Draco a kiss before he turned her around and she accidentally kissed Goyle.
     I snuck under the table and kissed Draco's cheek before going back under.
     Nicole shoved my shoulder and said, "You like him."
     "You like Blaise," I teased and she blushed.
     "No I don't. Actually I may have a thing for a Hufflepuff."
     "Oh really, what is his name?"
     She replied, "Um, Charlie Brown."
     I answered, "You forget, I grew up with muggles, Charlie Brown is a cartoon character."
     I heard her whisper dang it and I laughed.
     Later, I invited some of my friends to the Slytherin Common Room for a last night of our first year kind of party.
     My friends Skye, from Ravenclaw, Daniel from Hufflepuff, Ethan, from Ravenclaw, Olivia, from Slytherin, Peter, from Gryffindor, and of course Draco, Nicole, Blaise, Ron, Hermione and Harry all came and we started a small game of spin the bottle.
     Hermione, Daniel, and I showed them how to play. Obviously we are just playing it like truth or dare but the game was really fun.
     The bottle landed on me, when Harry spun it and he asked, "What did you really see in the Mirror of Erised?"
     This was where it wasn't fun. "Um, I saw, I saw my wedding with all of my friends and family at it."
     Hermione replied, "Yeah that's what she said it was, um maybe we should end this for tonight."
      Many of us replied, "agreed."
     The next day, on the platform, I got off the train and picked up my things to put on the trolley but from behind me came a tap, "I gave your brother one too but I thought you might want this. I hope you have a good time at home."
     Hagrid stood behind me holding a photo album. I jumped up and hugged him, "Thank you so much and I'm not really going home. I'll see you soon."
     "You didn't think you couldn't say goodbye did you?" asked a voice.
     Behind me was Hermione, Ron, and the twins. I hugged them all and almost went to my aunt and uncle before I was stopped by a final person.
     "Where are you going, Ginger?" asked Draco.
     "I'm going to my aunt and uncle's sadly."
     Draco asked, "Do you happen to know if you will be able to write?"
     "I don't know Blondie. I may be able to manage that," I laughed, "I'll try as long as my family doesn't give me trouble."
     "Send me a letter the week you go to Diagon Alley, ok?" asked Draco.
     "Of course, Blondie," I replied, "I'll try to send you any letters I can."
     I walked back to my aunt and uncle and Uncle Vernon asked, "What took you so long? You'll be getting a beating for it."
     Thank Merlin for Hogwarts. And my brother. And Draco

End of year 1

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