"Darling" Aunt Marge

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Rebecca PoV
I still have a whole two months till I get to go to Hogwarts and all I can think about is when we left.
While it distracts me from my aunt, uncle and cousin, it also makes me think about something very pointless and most likely not real.
I walked down the stairs to the dining room where my uncle was usually complaining about today's news and children.
However, this wasn't the case this time. Instead of the usual, I got worse.
Aunt Petunia made sure I got right onto breakfast before asking my uncle, "When did you say Marge was coming in?"
If I would have had a drink in my mouth, I would have spit it all over the kitchen.
Harry and I yelled, "What?"
My Uncle boasted out of pure enjoyment of our dismay, "Marge will be coming this week and I expect the two of you to be in your best behavior."
I heard Harry snap, " I will if she does. "
While I absolutely despise Aunt Marge, Harry hates her. When we were five, Harry wouldn't give Dudley something that was his own so Marge sicked her bulldog on Harry.
I've had unpleasant conversation with my "darling" aunt Marge, but nothing like my brother.
Uncle Vernon looked at us dead in the eye and said, " Now, you two, best remember that she doesn't know of your...oddity and so doesn't know of your people's school. She is under the impression that you, boy, go to St Brutus' for Incurable Criminal Boys and that you, girl, got to Conduite School of Etiquette. "
I could see Harry's eyes blaze with anger. I knew I was now responsible for keeping him in check.
     I whispered to Harry, "Remember Hogsmeade."
~Later That Day~
     I sat on the staircase and awaited my doom as of when Marge would come.
     Sure enough, seconds later, the evil, neckless woman rang the doorbell.
     We brought her things inside and she said to my brother and I, "You two still here are you?"
     "Yes," snapped my brother.
     "Don't use that ungrateful tone. Bloody good of my brother to keep you. What about you girl?"
     As polite as I could be, I responded, "Yes, Aunt Marge. How are you this evening?" I asked putting on a show to pass as if I actually had been to an etiquette school.
     She pursed her lips almost studying my every action and spoke, "Vernon, whatever school it is you said you sent her to, I would pay to let me watch them transform that mongrel I saw last time into a decent girl."
     Harry glared at Marge for what I assumed was the use of mongrel to describe me.
     The week had been going quite smoothly, or as smoothly as it could considering my arse of an aunt was criticizing everything Harry did.
      I was still pretending to be a student at a school for etiquette and Harry was getting quite used to mentioning his beatings at St Brutus' at least ten times a day.
     Everything seemed like it would be alright until the night of Harry and I's birthday.
     We were in the kitchen and Harry and I were setting out dinner and per usual Marge was complaining about our speed.
     Aunt Marge boasted, "You musn't blame yourself, Vernon, for the way these two turned out."
      Harry was taking deep breaths and keeping himself focused on something else.
      She continued, "If there is something rotten on the inside, there isn't anything you can do."
      I was beginning to become annoyed as she kept going, "It's one of the basic rules of breeding. You see it all the time with dogs. If there is something wrong with the bitch then there is something wrong with the pu..."
      She insinuated my mother was a dog and I saw Harry with the same look of fury. Marge's wine glass shattered in her hands and I was almost certain that we had done it.
      My aunt and uncle gasped but Marge made it clear that she had a strong grip.
     Except, she made the situation much worse when she continued later after complimenting Dudley on being "full", "These two have a mean, runty look about them. I had Colonel Fubster drown one last week. Ratty little thing it was. Weak, underbred."
     Harry and I couldn't handle much more so we were attempting to finish soon when Marge sent us over the edge, "It all comes down to blood, as I was saying the other day. Bad blood will out. Now, I'm saying nothing against your family, Petunia, but your sister was a bad egg. They turn up in the best of families. Then she went off with that wastrel and the ugly results are in front of us."
     My mother couldn't be accepted in either world. Here she was attacked for being bad blood just as much as in the wizarding world. Bad blood. Dirty blood. The words, "Stand aside mudblood," and, "You'll be back with your mudblood mother soon enough," raced through my mind. Voldemort's voice was stuck inside of my head. Suddenly, I was on the ground with my hands covering my ears.
     I could hear my brother and Marge arguing and when I finally could see straight again, I saw Harry incidentally causing Marge to blow up like a balloon so I thought of the slugs Ron had puked up and she began to puke them up.
     I don't tolerate my mother being insulted when thanks to Voldemort she can't defend herself.
    Harry took my arm and pulled me up. he growled, "We're leaving. Grab your stuff."
    I ran up the stairs and got my things as quickly as possible.
     Uncle Vernon yelled, "MAKE HER RIGHT! FIX HER RIGHT NOW!"
     I turned to my uncle and growled, "She got what she deserved."
     He snarled, "They aren't going to take you back now. You have no where to go."
     Harry pointed his wand and said, "Anywhere's better than here," and we walked out of the door.

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