Chamber of Secrets Part 1

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     Draco PoV
     I was walking along the corridor to find Rebecca  and heard gasps and I saw on the wall, "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened enemies of the heir beware."
     I whispered, " Muggleborns. "
     Beside me Parkinson warned, " You'll be next mudbloods. "
     I walked back to the common room but I heard a faint voice say, "I don't remember anything do you?"
    "Not really. I wish I did."
     I decided to not question it.
     Rebecca PoV
     Ginny and I keep waking up in the third floor bathroom and we don't even remember what happened.
     People have been talking about the Chamber of Secrets a lot and something is telling me that the two of us are somehow involved.
     I think my friends are really worried for me. I've not been out much. Ginny and I spend all time we have left after class together talking to Tom.
     He told us that maybe whatever was happening was for a good cause.  He's also been helping me with my day to day problems.
     There have also been some attacks like Collin Creevey and Justin Finch Fletchley.
     Everyone thinks Harry is the one causing it since he spoke Parseltongue yesterday in the dueling club.
     ~a month later~
     Ginny and I think Tom might be the one causing this. Ginny threw the diary into Myrtles bathroom but we had to take it back since Harry found it and used it.
     We think that we are part of what's causing all of this.
     We still keep waking up with no memory . We sometimes have blood on our hands but we can't stop anything.
     Ginny is going to tell Ron and I'm going to tell Harry about what has been happening since it has been going to long. Long enough that Hermione has been petrified.
     ~at dinner~
     Ginny and I walked over the Gryffindor table and said to Ron and Harry.
     "Could we speak to you?" I asked, trembling.
      " Of course, " said Harry.
     "Wha dwo ywo nweed?" asked Ron with his face full of food.
     " We have something that we need to confess to you, " said Ginny.
     Percy began to listen in and I said, "It can wait though, right?"
     Ginny nodded quickly and we ran off.
     Ron asked, " What was that about?"
Harry whispered, "Do you think that they know something about the chamber?"
~next day~
Draco PoV
I was on my way back to the Slytherin common room when I bumped into Weasley and Potter. They looked shocked and looked up at me and Potter said, "This is good. As much as I don't like you, we need your help."
Weasley looked at Potter shocked and said, "What? We don't need him."
"The more the help the better," replied Potter.
"No offense, but why would I help you? You both don't particularly like me."
Potter replied, "You'll help because Rebecca and Ginny were taken into the Chamber Of Secrets."
My heart shattered. "How can you be sure?" I squeaked.
Weasley snarked, "Well, we heard the professors say the names. Then on the wall was "Their skeletons will lie in the chamber forever." So will you help us?"
"If it will help Rebecca," I replied.
"Good," Potter replied, "Though he won't be much help, we need to find Lockhart."
We ran into the defense against against the dark arts classroom and we found that Lockhart was the fraud that we thought he was.
Potter used Parseltongue and opened the chamber in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom while Weasley and I dragged Lockhart into the bathroom.
      "Well, looks like you don't need me. I guess I'll be going now," said Lockhart.
     "Oh no you don't," I grabbed his arm and whispered, "You we're going to leave my best friend and one of her friends to die since you are a coward."
     I pushed him in the entrance to the chamber and said, "Better you than us."
     Weasley remarked, "My hatred for the Malfoy lineage just decreased a little bit."
     We heard Lockhart yell up to us and say, "It's awful dirty down here."
      I yelled, "What did you expect?"
     Well, I guess it's time to go down the chamber.

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