Chapter One

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~ Abrayla

"What do you mean I have to have a babysitter ?!" I asked my mother and father.

"We mean what we said dammit. You and your little sister need a babysitter. You mostly." My mom said.

"I'm 15 ! The hell I need a babysitter for !? So what your saying is that my I need a babysitter more than my little sister ? Pshhhh yall are something else." I said tapping my foot.

"Watch your mouth young lady." My dad said sternly and I rolled my eyes and headed upstairs with my little sister on my tail.

"Sissy why mawmy and daddy say we need a baybe sitter?" My little sister asked.

She's 4.

"I don't know Aniya." I reply knowing she doesn't even know what a babysitter is.

She yawns.

"Come here Niya." I said calling her by her nickname and she comes trying to get on my bed but can't.

I pick her up and put her on my lap and slowly rocks back and fourth and soon she's sleep.

I tried to lay her down but she clutched on to me. You know how when your trying to lay a child down but it clings to you ? Well that's what she did.

I gave up and laid back while she was laying on my chest and dosed off to sleep.


I woke up the next morning with Aniya still on my chest sleeping peacefully snoring just a tad.

I smelled food downstairs and we love food so I shook her a little and she woke up.

"Morwnin Brayla." She said rubbing her eyes.

She sniffed.

"Bweakfwast." She whispered and I laughed.

"You hungry wugga ?" I asked and she nodded excitedly .

"Well come on let's go brush our teeth and wash our face and put on our clothes and go eat!" I screamed and she slid off the bed running into the restroom reaching for her toothbrush.

I handed it to her and we began brushing our teeth and I picked her up to spit and we started singing.

"I wove you" she sang.

"You love me." I sang.

"We finna go eat bweakfwast" she sang.

"What ?" I asked smiling. "Those aren't the words."

"Well I wa hungy." She said while I laughed.

I picked her out a blue and white Dora Shirt with her White Shorts and Blue Chucks.

We don't like pink.

I picked me out a Blue and White Hollister Shirt with my White Shorts and Blue Chucks.

After I put on our outfits I put a few ponytails in her hair with blue and white bows then I flat ironed mines.

"You ready ?" I asked and she nodded.

"I'll wrace Ya." She smiled.

"Okay" I giggled.

"One..Two.. Fwive go!" She said running.

I started running after her down the stairs but we quickly stopped when we seen more than who we was suppose to see down here eating breakfast.

"Who you ?" Aniya asked while putting her hands on her hips.

"She's so grown for a 4 year old." I thought to myself while laughing.


Just a short chapter.

I hope you guys will like this story.

Picture of Aniya and Abrayla coming soon !

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