Chapter Twenty

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~ Abrayla

I can't believe she remembers me .

"You remember me ?" I asked De'Arra who was in tears .

"Yes baby sister . Why wouldn't I remember you . You've grown up . I only remember so much though . Mama didn't let us see each other ." She explained to me .

"Why ?" I said and she gestured for me AUGUST and Aniya to come inside .

"Have a seat I'll explain in a minute. Ken !? " She called im guessing her boyfriend .

"Yes De'Arra ." He said walking down the stairs with some gym shorts on .

He cute .

They cute .

"This my little sister I was telling you about . Sister this is my wugga ." She said .

"Hey Wugga is my name ." Aniya said to Ken .

They laughed .

"And who is this little cutie right here ? Yall baby ? " De'Arra asked and I almost chocked on nothing .

"Hell no . That's our little sister ." I told De'Arra and she held her chest .

"I have another sister ? And she little little ? " She asked and I nodded .

"Omg ! I always wanted a little sister who was very young . " She said picking up Aniya and spinning her around.

"Aye aye put me down befoe yo long pretty nails stwatch me ." She said and De'Arra laughed .

I just not noticed her long nails .

De'Arra was small and petite . She had a fat ass though . You can tell we family .

"Why you so quiet ?" De'Arra asked August .

"Uh I don't een kno ." He said scratching the back of his head .

"Oh my . Your accent . You from New Orleans ?" De'Arra asked August and he nodded.

"Well you need to get out of that damn shy stage because round here we stay turnt as fuck." De'Arra told him and he laughed a little .

"How old are you ?" Ken asked August .

"I'm 20 ." August answered and both Ken and De'Arra looked at me .

"And Abrayla ?" De'Arra said .

"Umm I'm about to be 16." I said and they looked at us back and fourth .

"The hell ?" De'Arra said .

"You ain't in jail yet ?" Ken said and I laughed.

"We not together . He has a girlfriend ." I said and they looked relieved.

"And he got her ass pregnant ." I finished and August looked at me .

"Yes I knew about it ." I said .

"Well you seem pretty mad for yall not to be together ." Ken said walking away and Aniya playing around the house .

"Abrayla why you ain't tell meh you knew bout it ?" August asked .

"Because ." I said simply .

"Because what Abrayla , stop playing ." August said .

"August -- ( GCO )

"Before yall start that arguing shit why the hell yall came over here anyway ? " De'Arra asked .

"The reason I came over here because mom and my dad just died and I don't have a place to stay ." I said and De'Arra almost started crying .

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