Chapter Six

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Yall don't want to be apart of my book that's okay... I'm still gon continue because I got hella ideas... I wish yall nothing but the WORST :)


~ Abrayla

Did I really just tell August that I like him ?

I'm so stupid.

He starred at me for a while.

"I like yuh to." He said and I was jumping all around in the inside.

"Really ?" I asked.

"Duh." He said and I laughed while he scooted closer to me.

I tensed up a little.

I really never been this close to a boy well man that I like.

He touched my thigh and I looked at him and he looked back at me and he leaned in and kissed me.

He licked my bottom lip and I parted my mouth so his tongue can enter and our mouths moved in sync.

He was tongue wrestling me and he pulled me on top of his lap.

"Do you think we will get in trouble since your five years older than me ?" I asked breaking the kiss out of breath.

"For yuh it's worth it." He said smiling and I smiled back then he started back kissing me.

I broke the kiss again.

"So what does that make us ?" I ask him and he licked his lips.

"Cuffed." He simply said.

I got off his lap and started thinking.

What if somebody finds out and he go to jail ? I can't have that. Nor will I think Aniya would be happy about it.

"Wat yuh thinkin' bout ?" He asked and I hung my head down.

"What if you go to jail ?" I asked and he lifted my head up with his index finger.

"Neva hold Ya head down ma, yuh to pretty fa' all'at. And I would Neva leave yuh nor Aniya. Age ain' nun but a numba and people fail ta realize dat." He said while looking me in my eyes.

"August ?" I said.

"Yeah ?" He answered .

"Age is a word." I said and he smacked his lips while I giggled.

"Oh it's a word okay." He said and he put his hand on my stomach.

He started to tickle me.

"Auugust !" I screamed.

"Yeah baybeh scream my name." He said laughing.

"Stop !" I said laughing my little heart out.

"I gotta pee !" I screamed and he stopped.

"I think I can make Ya pee Ya pants juh' by tellin' Ya a joke." He said and I criss cross apple sauced on the couch signaling him to tell the joke.

"Okay so a mama wa' tellin' hea daughter dat' if a boy touch hea' chest say don't and if he touch hea' as- I mean butt say stop. So da' little girl came home one day and said mommy a boy touched my chest and butt and da'momma said well wat did yuh say sweetie ? Da' lil girl said mommy I told him Don't Stop." He said and I burst out laughing.

"She was suppose to pause in between that." I said still laughing and I fell back in the chair.

August claimed on top of me and I stopped laughing and he just started at me.

Next thing you know we kissing again. This time more intense.

He rubs his hands up and down my body while still kissing me and I feel something against my area then I realized what it was and I gasped.

"August." I said breaking the kiss smiling.

"Wat ?" He asked.

"Are you on hard mister? And you do know you are taking me to school tomorrow right ?" I asked him and he looked down .

"Dis is all your fault." He said pointing to his member.

"And shit I forgot you had school tomorrow." He said still on top of me.

"You know I can always miss a day." I said smiling.

"Nope not having it your gettin'a damn education." He said going back into babysitter mode.

I scoffed. And he kissed me right before I was about to say something .

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh" We heard a scream and August broke the kiss and we looked to the stair case.

It was Aniya. August quickly got off me and sat in the chair.

"My Awgust." Aniya said running to August.

She hit him.

"Bad Awgust. Dats not Wear the remowte go." She said pointing to his hard member and he quickly covered it with a pillow.

I burst out laughing.

"Gwive me the remowte ." She said trying to move the pillow.

"Aniya stop." August said but she kept trying.

"Aniya sit your butt down right now didn't he tell you to stop ?" I told her and she nodded.

"Well stop." I said sternly and she sat on the floor and hugged August leg.

August looked underneath the pillow and I guess his member had went down so he picked up Aniya.

"Aniya I'm sorry bout da remote but wen I say stop I mean stop." He said to her and she nodded while laying her head on his shoulder sucking her thumb.

She soon fell back to sleep.

"Time foe yo ass to go to bed." He said pointing at me.

I flicked him off and jogged upstairs.

"Wait a minute nie bring dat ass back its juh' to much." He yelled after me I laughed and went in my room and shut the door.


Short chapter I know.

How's it still ?

A lot of damn kissing in this chapter! Eww.

May be errors .

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