Chapter Thirteen

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~ Abrayla

"Pass the salt." My dad said to Demetrice as we ate dinner.

"Yes sir." Demetrice said.

"So Abrayla , we are going to be going away for a while again and you not going to have a babysitter this time. We trust you. We are leaving tomorrow." My mom said and I smiled in my head but thought about something.

"So yall missing my sixteenth birthday ?" I asked disappointed.

"I promise we will make it up to you." My mom and dad said at the same time.

"Nigga you wasting food gimme that chicken you ain't gon eat it." Darius tried to whisper to Demetrice but we heard.

I laughed.

"Oh I'm sorry." Darius said putting his head down smiling.

"It's okay bruh." My dad said to darius and I almost choked on my drink.

"Did you say bruh ?" I asked my dad and he folded his hands behind his head.

"Sum wrong wit dat ? Ya daddy ain't to old nie . Me and Ya momma still be getting a lil freaky nie." He said and I almost threw up.

"Aye upp ... He be getting that vanilla pus-" Darius started but I mugged him.

"Pudding." He finished and I laughed.

Aniya came walking downstairs rubbing her eyes just waking up from her nap.

"I see how yall do. Juwst eat wifout me." She said and we laughed

"Ain't shit fuwnny." She mumbled and I heard her.

"What you sa-" dad started but the bell cut him off.

Dinnnng dooonnng

"I'll get it." I said saving Aniya grown ass.

I opened the door and there stood August smiling.

Well this is awkward.

"Uh hey August." I said and he nodded and just walked on in.

He looked at the dining table them back at me.

He shook his head and walked back outside.

I sighed.

"August wait." I walked after him.

"Auwguuuust !" Aniya yelled from behind me.

"So dats wat we do nie Brayla ? Juh leave meh out ?" He said looking some type of way.

I mean what did I have to invite him for anyway ? We still cool but gosh.

"I mean I didn't know you wanted to come !" I semi yelled.

"Nie you kno' all black folks love chickin' . But I see. You get Ya' lil boyfriend and faget' bout meh." He said licking his lips and shaking his head.

"Why you lookin' at meh like dat" he asked stepping a tad bit closer to me.

"Umm like what ?" I stuttered looking around.

He chuckled.

"Like you want meh." He said stepping closer.

"A-August we been o-over." I stuttered.

Dammit Abrayla get it together.

"See I got Ya' stuttering and shit. Abrayla you kno' Ya' want meh. It's okay becuz...

He paused and stepped closer to me.

"I want you to." He whispered in my ear and I shivered.

He kissed my earlobe and whispered one more thing.

"Just rememba' if Ya' man ain't treatin' ya rite im always hea... Baybeh." He says saying that word that drives me insane.

I bit my lip.

He looked over to my house window and laughed.

"I think ya' lil boyfriend mad." He said and I turned around and looked at the window and the curtains shut.

Damn August.

"You knew he was watching." I asked a little upset.

"I guess you can say dat." He said smiling and I rolled my eyes.

"Bye August go to Stacy hoe ass." I said turning around to walk away when I felt a slap on my ass.

"Rememba' wat I said." He said and I rubbed my butt and ran in the house with Aniya on my side


I just posted this chapter so yall can see Aniya and Abrayla.

August POV and more tomorrow or in the morning.

This chapter was lame asf


Yall wanna see Darius and Demetrice ??

Errors ? So what .

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