Chapter Four

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~ Abrayla

We arrived at the fair and I woke Aniya up and she was excited. It was 8:20 and we we're only planning to be here an hour because fairs are not my things.

"That one." Aniya told August while tugging on his leg signaling that she wanted to be carried to the ride.

August picked Aniya up and she laughed.

"Ya comin' ?" He asked me and I shook my head no.

"I'll be right here when yall get off waiting to go on the Farris wheel." I said smiling and he smiled back.

"Ight." He said running with Aniya in his arms giggling.

I sat down on the closest bench nearby and started thinking.

August is such a great babysitter to Aniya.

"He would be an even better father" a voice inside my head said.

"Don't listen to her Abrayla." Another voice said.

"Abrayla listen to me. If he's good with your sister don't you think he would be even better if you guys had kids of yall own ?" That same voice from earlier said.


Am I actually thinking about this?

I mean our kids would be cute. Light Skin short with a head full of hair.

"That's it Abrayla listen to me." The voice said again then it vanished.

Come to think of it. August is cute and his accent makes him even cuter.

"Abrayla Alsina" I said aloud.

That sounded good.

"Abrayla Alsina huh ?" August said popping up out of nowhere with Aniya by his side.

My face reddened from embarrassment.

"Uh, I said Abrayla Selena Ya know like Selena Gomez?" I told him trying to cover up what I just said.

"Mhmmm." He chuckled and I mentally face palmed myself.

~ August

I think she like meh'. I mean who wouldn't like my sexy ass ? Not ta toot my own horn but Toot Toot niggah.

Wen' she said Abrayla Alsina I admit it sounded good but I'll go ta jail an a nigga can't go der. To many muhfuckin' gay niggahs.

"Fawiss wheel." Aniya said pointin' to da Farris wheel.

I picked hea' up an signaled foe Abrayla ta bring hea' ass on an she got up but she still a lil embarrassed .

"It's okay ma' I kno ya name will sound way betta wit my last name." I told hea' chucklin'.

She blushed but put hea' head down.

Ion like dat shit.

I put my finger under her chin and said "Pick Ya head up nie' Ya to pretty foe all'at"

She smiled and Aniya snapped hea' little tiny fingers at us.

"Helwoo the Fawis Wheel ain't gon ride itselwf." She said and we chuckled and headed on da Farris wheel.

Aniya wanted ta sit on da outside ta look down so I wa' stuck in da middle by Abrayla but I wasn't complainin' .

Da ride started and Abrayla wa lookin' down one side an Aniya da oda den I juh got dis feel in' and I gently put my hand in Abrayla's and felt a spark.

I guess she felt it to and she looked at meh.

I brought my face closa ta hers and she didn't pull away.

I kissed her.

My body wa tellin' me yes and my mind wa tellin' me yes but my brain wa tellin meh no.

Ian give'a fuck.

I slid my tongue across hea lips and she opened hea' mouth and I slipped my tongue right inta hea' mouth an we begin kissin' like no oda.

I had my hand on hea' thigh and da ride wa still goin'.

We heard a scream and we broke da kiss and looked at Aniya .

"My Awgust." She said hugging meh an I laughed.


How is it ?

I tried.

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