Chapter Fourteen

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~ August

I knew Abrayla still had feelings for me she just acted like she didn't.

I still got feelings for her too. Shit a whole lot of feelings.

"August where was you just at ?" Stacy asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Sumwhea' you wasn't." I answered.

Stacy has been getting real aggravating and she getting fat too.

"You was with that bitch ?" She asked .

"Wat bitch ?" I asked and she scoffed.

"Abrayla !" She yelled.

"Stacy I told you about calling Abrayla a bitch." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"So you taking up for her again ? You fail to realize that she's not your priority anymore." She said getting upset.

She need to sit her fat ass down somewhere and eat a damn salad.

I ignored her.

"Ugh August you get on my damn nerves I swear. But I still love you though." She said sitting on my lap.

I DID NOT mean for her to sit on my lap.

"Damn." I mumbled and she smiled.

"You like that daddy ?" She asked.

Hell No . I wanted to say.

"Wait August ?" She questioned.

"Yeah." I answered.

"I'm hungry." She said and I mentally rolled my eyes.

Her fat ass always be hungry nowadays.

"Wat you want ?" I asked already knowing she wants me to go somewhere.

She smiled and kissed me.

"McDonalds with two chocolate chip cookies and a milk shake and large fries.." She said and my eyes got big.

"Damn . Fat ass." I mumbled and headed to the car.


I arrived at McDonald's and pulled up to the drive through thing.

Welcome to McDonald's how may I help you ? The boy said on the intercom.

That voice sounded familiar.

Uh yeah lemme get two double cheese burgers wit a large fry and two chocolate chip cookies wit a large milkshake. I said .

Will that be all ? The boy asked

Yeah. I said.

Your total is $9.76. He said and I pulled up to the window and couldn't believe my eyes.

"Sebastian ?" I said chuckling and he laughed.

"August ? My nigga it's been a while." He said chuckling and I nodded.

Sebastian is my lil cousin. I haven't seen him since... Shit it's been so long I forgot.

"Wat you doin' workin hea ' ?" I asked and the car behind honked they horn.

"Shut da fuck up !" I yelled at them flicking them off.

"Mann I need money ! Shit times are hard." He said and I nodded handing him my money and he gave me my change.

"I'm about to get off in five minutes and walk home though." He said .

"Walk ? Nigga hurry yo ass up and brang my food wit you." I said pulling off to the side.

Five minutes pass here he come bringing my food smelling like onions and shit.

I pulled off and headed towards Abryala house.

Maybe I should apologize. Stacy will live without her damn food for a while.

"So wats been goin'on ?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Nun. School. Work. Sleep and that shit all over again." He said .

"Whea yo momma at ?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I'm on my own bruh." He said and I nodded .

"Where we going ?" He asked.

"Nigga you wanna drive ? Ian think so stay on da' passengers side." I said and he chuckled.

"Whatever." He said touching my radio.

"Nigga didn't dey eva' teach you in school not ta' touch a black mans radio ?" I asked and he laughed.

"But you yellow though." He said laughing.

"Ha ha. Shut da fuck up befo' you be walkin'" I said and be stopped laughing.

"Dats wat I thought." I said pulling up in Abrayla's driveway.

"Who stay here ?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Eitha' get Ya' ass out or stay in da' car." I said and he chuckled getting out.

We walked up to her door and knocked and she answered looking as sexy as ever.

She had on some shorts with a sports bra on.

"What you doing here August ?" She asked not seeing Sebastian.

"Abrayla ?" Sebastian said to Abryala.

"Sebastian ?" Abryala said and I looked at them back and fourth.

"Uh how yall kno' each oda' ?" I asked .


Mmmm how Sebastian and Abrayla know each other ?

What's Gon happen between them ?

Sebastian plays as @sebastian_2_dope .

Yall follow him .

Darius with the brownish black hair and Demetrice with the black hair on the right.

Yall wanna see Stacy ??

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