Chapter Three

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~ Abrayla

We arrived at the mall and Aniya was asking for everything. And I mean everything.

"Sissy I hungy" she whined.

"Nigga we just ate !" I said to her while throwing my hands up.

"Aye der' language." August said trying to do his job.

"Oh shut up August." I said smiling.

He's not that older than me that I can't cuss around him.

Aniya kept tugging on August leg.

"Whenever she tugs on your leg she's signaling that she wants to be picked up." I told him and he nodded.

"Ya wanna get on my back ?" August asked Aniya.

"Well swince ywu offewing." She said trying to jump on his back but only touching his side.

I giggled and picked her up and put her on his back and we walked into Foot Locker.

I instantly fell in love with all the shoes. I started smiling just thinking about my closet full of shoes.

"Ya like wat ya' see ?" August asked popping up behind me.

"Well duh." I smiled looking at this perfect shoe.

"Well are Ya' gon buy sum cuz' Ya' sista' heavy." He said whispering.

Aniya slapped him on the back of his head.

"I heawd that Mr." She said while August rubbed his head.


After buying Aniya and I a few pairs of shoes and going into multiple stores for clothes we were finally ready to go to the fair.

As we were walking to the car August started spinning Aniya around on his back while she was giggling her little heart out and he put her down. He seems like he could be an awesome father.

But She was to dizzy.

She was trying to point at August but she was facing the other direction talking to the air.

"Who swaid put me down" she said swaying from side to side from her dizziness. August was clutching his stomach laughing while I saw nothing funny.

She could have fallen. I'm very protective over my little sister and her health .

"August that shit ain't funny she could have fallen." I scolded him.

He looked at me with a straight face.

"Den' it would've ben' een' funnier da' fuck?" He said laughing again.

Did he just cuss?

But I can't cuss. Oh..... Okay.

Aniya ran up to him not dizzy anymore and punched him in the stomach.

"Nie ya stomawch gon be huwting just liwke sissy stomawh be huwting." She said and I quickly covered her mouth.

"Aniya shut up." I whispered to her and she put her hands up on surrender

"hey downt showt the messewnger. Ya didn't hewr it fwom me." She said.

Mom always telling somebody my damn stomach hurt.

"Okay nie are yall ready ta hit up dis' fair?" August asked leaning against his car.

"Yews pwease becawse sissy gwetting on my nerwes." She said running to August and he put her in the backseat while I got in the front and we headed to the fair

It was getting late I mean we have been at the mall all day so it was a perfect time to go to the fair.

~ August

As I wa drivin' Brayla and Niya ta da' fair I started thinkin' .

Is dis' really wat I wanna do?

Honestly Ion kno' but I feel like I should have'a fam.

Spending da whole day wit these two made meh feel like we wer'a family. I kno' Abrayla to yung fa me but it's juh my feelings.

I don't really hav' family. My brother died juh a month ago an I wa told on my birthday man.

He got shot in da streets of New Orleans betta' known as Downtown. It wa August 31st wen he died and dey juh told meh on my birthday. Dat shit right der' hurt.

"You okay August?" Abrayla asked wiping a tear dat fell from my eye.

Ian een' kno I wa crying.

"I'm ok." I said lying.

"August you can tell me." She said rubbing my shoulder while I drove.

I sighed.

"My birthday September da 3rd so, August 31st Uh, wen I wa, I wa sleep, lettin' da day go by, ya kno' . I wake up and I got, like, 30 missed calls on my shit. And so I woke up and I called my cousin back. And it wa' like "Man, what's up, ya heard meh?" And a nigga, nigga told me a nigga killed my brother, man So from dat point on it wa' always like, man, you got either dis' or that. And a nigga can't choose that route, ya heard me. Somebody's gotta survive. So dats' wat it was." I said wiping a few tears here and there.

Abrayla was crying while Aniya was sleeping.

"August its okay. As long as your my babysitter you can count on me. I'm sorry for your lost though." She said gently touchin' my leg.

"Okay enuf' of my sob story. Let's hit up dis' fair." I said continuing da journey to da fair.


How's it so far ?

Awee my baby August was crying.

Did yall know I got that part from his song Don't Forget About Me when he was crying ?

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