Chapter Eight

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A Week Later

~ August

Last week Abrayla was acting hella salty. She hasn't been as much this week though.

"Aniya stop playing with that damn drink." Brayla told Aniya.

It's like she's being mean to her for some reason. Like how long do girls be on their periods damn ?

We at IHOP right now eating breakfast and this girl walks in and looks at Abrayla and smiles.

"Hey Abrayla what are you doing here." The girl says to Brayla.

"Oh you know, hunting rabbits." Abrayla says and I laugh then Lacie I think looks at me and I turn it into a cough.

"Is this your boyfriend ?" Lacie asks eyeing me.

Abrayla gets up and blocks Lacies view.

"Yes , I owns the dick who's asking ?" She says and I cover Aniya ears.

"Abrayla." I said and she sits down slowly.

"I was just asking, yall have a great breakfast." Lacie says walking away rolling her eyes a little.

"Awgust what's a dic-" Aniya started but I cut her off.

"It's a place whea' yuh can get sporting goods." I said and Abrayla laughed and I glared at her and she ate her pancake.

Abrayla's gon get it for saying that in front of her.

"Yall bout ready ta' go ?" I asked and they nodded.

"Here Niya leave a tip." I said to Aniya handing her a Five Dollar bill.

She grabbed it and stuffed it in her pocket.

"Thwanks foe dat tip. You da weal MVP." She said trying to give me what I'm guessing dap.

This little girl is a mess !

I can't deal.

~ Abrayla

I admit I've been acting salty lately but it's only because I miss my parents.

I mean they are always gone. And Aniya constantly asks about them and what do I suppose to say ?!

It's just complicated.


We was now at home about to play hide-and-go-seek and Aniya was it.

"Ight Aniya count ta' 10 and say ready or not here I come okay ?" August told Aniya and I smiled.

"Otay" she said covering her eyes and me and August ran but we still heard her tiny voice saying numbers.

"One .. Two .. Fwive .. Tin !Ready or nowt here I cwome " she screamed and August popped out his hiding place.

"Oh hell naw we not havin' dat. You cheated lil ma' ." August said and Aniya folded her arms.

"Did nowt !" Aniya shouted.

"Yea Ya did lil nigga." August shouted.

What a bunch of damn babies.

"I'll count just shut it up !" I screamed and they both licked their tongue out at me.

"One .. Two .. Three .. Four .. Five .. Six .. SevenEightNineTen ! Ready or not here I come !" I screamed and I started tip toeing around the house.

I walked in multiple rooms downstairs and they weren't there . I went upstairs and walked around carefully.

"Awgust get Ya ass off me."

"Aye watch Ya mouth der' yunginn."

I heard whispers.

I walked in the room where the whispers were located an as soon as I seen Aniya I grabbed her and threw her on the bed and began tickling her to death.

"Noo.... Stowpppp... Sissyyyyy .... Pweaseeee ." She giggled.

August jumped up and started tickling me.

"Get hea' Niya .' He said and she began tickling me as well.

~ August

I was having so much fun playing with Aniya and Abrayla that I actually thought they were my family.

I thought Aniya was our little girl.

Oh how I wish she was though.

Th bell rung downstairs and me and Aniya stopped torturing Abrayla while she ran to the restroom.

I went downstairs but Aniya beat me to it.

She opened the door and said two words that was once said to me.

"Who you ?" She said to .....


I know yall gon beat me up for this short chapter but hey , atleast I updated.

Yall ain't giving me love anyway !

No comments no nothing.

I see how yall do though .

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