Chapter Five

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~ August

The ride ended and we got on'a few moe but It wa a tad bit weird wit meh and Abrayla afta dat kiss.

"Whew. I tiwerd an hungy." Aniya said fanning herself.

I chuckled.

She really is something else fa a four year ole.

"Yall wanna go to get sum ta eat?" I asked Brayla and Niya .

"Yhuwp." Niya said and Abrayla nodded.

We headed to da car and I headed to Golden Corral.

I wanted ta start a conversation wit Brayla so I brought da kiss up.

"Aye Abrayla ?" I said and she looked up at me.

"Ya felt sum in dat kiss ?" I asked wit my eyes on da road.

"Yeah." She said barely audible.

"Ma if Ya felt sum juh say it cuz' I felt sum." I said and I saw hea' smile from my peripheral vision.

~ Abrayla

I really did feel something in that kiss.

Why he had to be so old though?

Honestly I don't give a flipping flap jack how old he is.

Age ain't nothing but a number. Well it's a word but you know what I mean.

We pulled up to Golden Corral and Aniya happily jumped out the car and to August side.

We walked inside and was greeted by the employee lady.

"Hi welcome to Golden Corral. Tonight all kids under the age of three are free so how old is this cutie here." She said pointing to Aniya.

"Oh she juh' turned three." August lied and I chuckled on the inside.

"Awgust I --" Aniya started but I glared at her.

"Lowvee Jesuuus" she finished and I smiled.

That'a girl. I taught her well.

She gon be three today.

The lady showed us to our table and Aniya instantly started talking.

"Awgust I awm not Tree Mr. I awm foe." She said holding up four fingers.

"Well baybeh today Ya three Ya heard?" He asked and she nodded .

"Damn." I said referring to when August said baby.

That there just did something to me.

"Wat?" August asked.

"Oh nothing." I said moving around a bit in my seat.

I have gotta get use to his accent.

We got up and fixed our plates and August insisted to fix Aniyas.

I smiled and that voice came back.

"See girl. He would be such a great father." The voice said and I shook it off.

When we fixed our plates we sat down and August prayed.

"Thank you fo dis' food we are bout' ta eat. Bless dis' food fo da' nourishment of our bodies and provide ta those who do not have anything ta eat. Holy Son Jesus Christ Name Amen." He finished.

"Amen." I said.

"Awmen." Aniya said and we dug in.

"Damn ma ya must hungry." August asked referring to my plate.

I mean I only had Pork Chops, Chicken, Mash Potatoes, Peas, Corn, Greens, Fries, Macaroni and Cheese, Broccoli, Corn Bread, Two Cookies, and a salad because I'm on a diet.

"Hell yeah I'm hungry. I'm not like these other girls. I'm not shy to eat around boys I mean what they be trying to do starve themselves? I eat in front of whoever and if they got a problem they should address it." I said eating a fork full of greens.

Grandma always told me "Child you betta eat them greens. Don't you want a booty like ya old grandma ?" .

August chuckled while Aniya tuned is out I'm guessing and eating her desserts.

After everyone was done we all was sleepy.

To me that's just plain fat to sit up and eat all that food and about to go home and lay down on it.

Shit I'll be fat today because I'm tired and full.

We headed home and Aniya instantly went to sleep in the car.

Her fat ass.

~ August

When we got ta Abrayla house hea' parents car wasn't here.

I picked Aniya up and Abrayla unlocked da' door and I took Aniya up ta wat I'm guessin' her room and layed hea' on hea' bed.

Wen I got back downstairs Abrayla was readin' a piece of paper.

"They said they had to leave for the trip early so you can start babysitting tonight." She said.

Shit. I'm okay wit' dat. More time wit my little one Aniya and more time wit Abrayla.

I sat beside hea' on da couch and we wa juh' sitting der starin' at nun.

"August I like you." Abrayla blurted out and I wa' shocked.

Because I like hea' to.


I think they moving to damn fast.

Do yall think they would be a cute couple ?

Or yall think they not made for each other and that they going to get in trouble ?

Just asking.

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