Chapter Two

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~ Abrayla

"I sway who you ?" Aniya repeated herself and I giggled inside.

"Aniya don't be rude." Daddy told her and we rolled out eyes at the same time.

I have gotta stop doing all these things I front of her.

"This is August. Y'all's new babysitter." Ma said to us and Aniya hugged my leg standing behind it while I looked him up and down.

The man stood up from the table and walked over to us.

"I'm August." He formally introduced himself.

His accent was cute. He sounded like he was from New Orleans. He looked like he was going to aggravate me though so I'm watching him.

"I'm Abrayla." I said shaking his hand.

"And this is my little sister Aniya." I said gesturing for Aniya to get from behind my leg.

One minute she's talkative the next she's shy.

She wouldn't budge so I just said fuck it.

"Well you guys we made breakfast and we have a very important business trip that we have to attend to tomorrow and Mr.August here will be babysitting yall the month that we are gone." Daddy said and I just looked at them.

They are never here ! I basically take care of Aniya myself and I'm only 15. You would've thought I would've been use to it right now but I'm really not.

I just pretend that I am.

"I'm glad you guys are dresses because you will be spending the day getting to know Mr.August . He will be taking yall to the mall with our money so use it wisely. And you guys will go to the fair." Mom said sounding like the white women she is. ( no offense to Caucasian people )

Aniya squeezed my leg tightly signaling that she wanted to be picked up so I picked her up.

She's so light.

"I hungy." She whispered in my ear.

I nodded and headed to fix her a plate.

"We will be ready shortly." I told August and he nodded.

I fixed Aniya her plate and sat her down at the table and she ate that food like it was the first supper.

After I finished eating my food I washed out dishes and put a little lotion on my hands.

"We bout to go." I yelled upstairs to my parents.

"Okay bye sweeties." They said .

"Bye." Me and Aniya said headed out the door.

"Wow." Aniya said looking at August car. He had a 2014 Camaro.

I chucked and put Aniya in the backseat and buckled her up while I got in the front and August started driving.

"Soo how ole' are ya guys ?" He asked trying to start a conversation.

Gosh his accent.

"I'm 15 soon to be 16 and my little sister is--(GCO)"

"I can spweak for I selwf." She said.

"I foe." She said holding up four fingers.

I chuckled. This little girl need a butt whooping.

August chuckled.

"Well I'm 20. I'm from New Orleans and got'a job workin' as'a babysitta' nie as yuh can see. I ain' choose ta do dis. Mama juh said I wa good at it an should try." He said his accent strong.

"Why you talwk liwke dat ?" Aniya asked.

"Da same reason Ya talk like dat." August replied and I giggled.

He asked a few more questions and him and Aniya was getting along fine.

A song came on on the radio and he started singing.

"Love, there's so many things I've got to tell you, but I'm afraid I don't know how because there's a possibility that you look at me differently love, ever since the first moment I spoke your name" he then started humming.

He sounded amazing.

He should be a singer instead of this shitty job.

Aniya started clapping and I soon joined in.

"Wasn't he good Niya." I asked my little sister

"ehh he was iwght." She said smiling.

I laughed.

"Seriously though you should consider starting a singing career instead of this lame job." I told August starting a conversation of my own.

He shrugged his shoulders.

"I've thought about it." He said.

"Wisten to mwy sissy." Aniya told him and we chuckled.

I guess he won't be so bad after all.


Another short one.

They will get longer.

Aniya is just the cutest thing isn't she ?

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