Chapter Seventeen

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~ Abrayla

I still couldn't believe Demetrice hit me . But I accepted his apology . Last week he didn't rape me . I thought he was going to but he didn't .

He actually gave me pleasure . I'm still a virgin though . I guess I'm just not a tongue virgin . Lol .

I'm bored .

I haven't talked to August since that day . I think he's been ignoring me . He to busy with Stacy ugly ass maybe .

My mother and father went on another business trip and left me here to babysit Aniya .

I'm not complaining but she is a handful .

That smile on your face makes it easy - , my phone ring singing partynextdoor break from Toronto .

Hello ? , I answered.

Hey guh what you doing ? , my bestfriend Shaniya asked .

Nothing being bored why ? , I said.

Good bitch because I'm outside let me in we can be bored together , she said and I hung up on her.

Shaniya is to much .

I got up and opened the door and her loud ass walked in .

"Where my niece at ?" She said referring to Aniya .

"She sleep , probably woke now your loud ass ." I laughed .

"Tee tee shay ." Aniya yelled running down the stairs into Shaniya arms .

I was to happy when Shaniya got her drivers license because she needed a way over here Aniya got on my nerves about her .

"Hey tee tee baby ." Shaniya said .

She looked at me which made Aniya look at me .

"Wait hold the fuck up , what happened to your face ?" She asked .

Damn I thought that went away.

"Uh , Aniya and I was playing and she hit me ." I said knowing that was a bad lie .

"Stop lien I know Aniya got dem hands but I know she ain't hit yo ass that hard ." She said and I laughed a little .

"Now what happened ?" She finished .

"Nothing ." I said .

"Tee tee baby ?" Shaniya said to Aniya .

"Huh ?" Aniya answered .

"Go upstairs for a while for tee tee okay ?" Shaniya said.

"Otay tee tee ." Aniya said rushing upstairs .

"Now if you don't tell me what happened im calling August . You know how he be in these streets nowadays ." Shaniya said and I looked at her worried .

"August is in the streets now ? And call him . I haven't talked to him since last week . I'm sure he forgot about me ." I said putting my head down .

"Hell yeah August in these streets . And girl he ain't forgot about you he just gotta provide for- wait he aint tell you yet ?" She said and I shook my head .

"Told me what ?" I said confused .

"Umm this tea sholl is good." This bitch said drinking some imaginary tea .

"Tell me !" I said well semi yelled .

"Nah nie , imma let you ask him . Yall would be cute together anyway . Give demetrice ass to Stacy . They would be good together . They both no good ." She said and I shook my head agreeing .

"I see what you talking about but I don't want August if he in these streets ." I said .

"Girl the hell wrong with you ? These streets give you money . I was thinking about throwing that ass in a circle at Diamonds but I don't want to do it alone . " She said smiling .

"Oh hell no , I know your ass ain't talking about stripping . We to young ! Are you serious ?" I asked her .

"Hell yeah I'm serious . My name would be Mystery ." She said and I couldn't help but laugh .

"That's the worst stripper name ever ." I said laughing and she joined in .

"I don't know why you laughing do you have a better name ?" She asked .

"Yes . Mines would be princess ." I said and she looked at me for a few seconds and laughed .

"Bitch this is a strip club we talking about not a Disney Movie Audition ." She said and I laughed but then she stopped and touched my face .

"Brayla , I know that nigga hit you . Tell him to let it happen again . I promise you if it happens again I'm beating his ass . I don't care if he is your boyfriend when I'm finished with him he gon be a BEATfriend . He don't suppose to ever put his hands on a female , especially MY BESTFRIEND . He must don't know I'm crazy . I will knock the shit out him in 3.5 seconds and he'll be shitting my boots because imma shove my foot so far up his ass he won't be able to shit for years . Just tell him not to fucking hit you okay ?" She finished and I cried .

"Why are you crying Brayla ?" She asked and I wiped my eyes .

"I'm just so thankful to have a friend like you to be able to tell me stuff like this and stick up for me like this , make me laugh and always be there for me , even beat a nigga ass for me . I love you Shaniya ." I said and she smiled .

"Stop bitch before you make me cry , and my makeup to good for that ." She said and I laughed .


Just a little something .

How tall like Shaniya .

Drama is coming . 😬

That's Shaniya on the side .

Shaniya give good advice right ?

I love yall comments and votes .

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