Chapter Ten

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~ Abrayla

I can't believe August was cheesing at that bitch. Like why the fuck is she here?

"Sissy did she hit you ?" Aniya said talking kind of straight.

I just looked at her.

"Oh so she hit you ? She swtill down thewre ? Howld my bows." She said taking off her bows and handing them to me.

I laughed.

"She better not still be down there or we going to get her ain't that's right ?" I asked Aniya smiling.

"Rwight." She said and I got up and headed downstairs and before I get down there Aniya beats me and started shaking her head.

"Bad Awgust." Aniya said and I looked at August and the bitch was on his lap.

"Know what ?" I started.

"Abrayla I can exp-

I cut him off.

"Get out." I said calmly.

"But I'm your babysitter I ca-

I cut him off once again.

"August im not fucking playing get.the.fuck.out ! And take that bitch with you." I said pointing to Stacy who had a smirk on her face.

"I suggest you take that smirk off your face before-

Aniya cut me off.

"Befoe we bweat Ya asprin. And yes I swaid asprin ." Aniya said with her hand on her hip.

Stacy got off August lap and August tried to walk towards me.

"August I suggest you get your shit. And leave." I said to August.

"And don't foeget yo trawsh." Aniya said pointing at Stacy and I laughed a bit.

August sighed and headed upstairs and five minutes later came back with his belongings.

Him and Stacy walked out together and surprisingly she got in the car with him and they pulled off.

I slammed the door and locked it and flopped on the couch.

I started crying and I didn't even know why.

"Sissy its otay" Aniya said whipping my eyes.

I sniffed.

"Thanks wugga." I said and she laid her head on my lap closing her eyes a bit and drifting off to sleep.

Sooner or later I drifted off to sleep to.

~ August

"Why da hell would you do dat Stacy ?" I yelled at her.

"You the one who didn't pull away ! You lucky the only thing they saw was me on your lap ! "She yelled back.

She's right. I didn't pull away.

It's like I wanted to kiss her.

I did miss her lips. How they felt against mine brought the Sparks back but what about Abrayla.

I know I hurt her feelings but not intentionally .

Gosh all I can think about is what about Abrayla.

"What about the bitch." Stacy said referring to Abrayla . Dang I said that out loud ?

"Don't call hea' out hea' damn name." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"It's not like yall together anyway !" She screamed at me.

"Because of yo ass ! Chill wit da scream in' cuh i ain't da one." I yelled back at her.

"August, why won't you just take me back ?" Stacy asked putting her hand on my leg.

"It's not dat easy Stacy. You hurt me and you hurt meh badly. Unless you show me you can change or unless I lose feelings for Abrayla we just friends." I said and she made a puppy dog face.

I always USE to give in to those but not today.

"Naah still not gon happen." I said and she started rubbing on my leg going up closer to my manhood

"Stop Stacy unless you want us ta run off da road." I said to her seriously.

"Your a good enough reason to kill us both. We will die together at least." She said pushing the wheel making me swerve a bit.

"You crazy bitch ! Better kill yo damn side of da car. Fuck you thought did was !? We not Dieing together better die by Ya damn self ! " I yelled at her and she folded her arms across her chest.

"Crazy ass." I mumbled.

She started texting someone on her phone but I didn't give a fuck long as I'm safe.

~ Abrayla

I woke up to a notification on my phone from Facebook.

That's weird I hardly be on Facebook.

It was a message from Lacie

I heard you and your babysitter are on bad terms. That's to bad because I thought he was your man I thought you said you owns the dick. Seems not.

I read the message out loud.

How the hell did she know that ?


Awwweeee shiiiiit.

What is going on !?

What yall think going to happen between Abrayla and August now ?

I just wanna beat Stacy ass. Whose with me ?

Sorry for the short chapter ion know how to write long ones .

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