Chapter Fifteen

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~ Abrayla

I remember Sebastian. He just go to my school. He in a higher grade than me but we talked once. It was just a brief conversation.

I bet August think we had something going on. Nah . I mean Sebastian cute but , I don't think he my type.

"She go to my school." Sebastian saud and I nodded.

"Oh . Juh check in'." August said and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay now what do you want ?" I said to August getting alittle cold from the door being opened.

"I juh came ta' apologize baybeh." He said licking his lips.

"Stop that shit." I said smiling a little.

He stepped past me into the house with Sebastian behind him.

"Stop what ?" He said in my ear and I shivered.

"My parents are upstairs August plus Sebastian is right there. And I have a boyfriend." I whispered and Sebastian starred around the living room.

He looked different from the last time we spoke. He kind of looked better.

August kissed my neck.

"August stop." I said pushing him back thinking about Demetrice.

"Why ?" He asked kissing my neck again this time sucking on it a tad.

"A-August st-stop." I stuttered pushing him back again with a little more force.

He stumbled a bit and Sebastian laughed.

"Shut da fuck up." August told Sebastian.

Sebastian looked back.

"You talking to me ?" Sebastian said and I giggled.

"Nah nigga you." August said headed upstairs.

"August where you going !?" I semi yelled.

"To check on my munchkin." He said in a duh tone and I rolled my eyes and flopped on the couch.

Sebastian soon sat on the same couch as me and I felt him starting at me.

"What ?" I asked.

"Nothing." He said looking me up and down and I looked down and covered my chest.

"Why you ain't tell me I had on a sports bra and shorts ? " I asked Sebastian even though we don't talk foreal.

"I thought you felt the breeze. Plus a nigga was kind of enjoying the view as you can see." He said and I laughed a bit.

No since of putting a shirt on now he already seen me.

~ Sebastian

Abrayla is really cute like damn. And she thick too.

I never even noticed how cute she was when we talked a while back. It was just a brief conversation anyway but I remember it.

She reached for the remote on the table but it fell on the ground and she sighed and bent over to pick it up.

"Damn." I whispered.

"Sorry." She said.

I could tell she was a little embarrassed the way her cheeks changed color.

Abrayla seem like she could be the BESTFRIEND type and then change to something more.

Maybe I can ask her if she want to be my bestfriend.

But what would August say ?

I mean I heard she got a boyfriend anyway so she not his priority.

"Why you starrin' at hea' ?" August asked popping up behind me.

"I uh I'm not starin'" I said stuttering.

"Mhm." He said sitting on Abrayla's leg.

~ Demetrice

"Man I miss Abrayla." I told my twin darius.

"If you don't shut yo pussy whipped ass up about that girl. You just saw her the other day." Darius said and I smacked my lips.

"Nigga I'm not pussy whipped." I said and he scoffed.

"Whatever." Darius said.

"I just miss my baby , my cinnamon apple." I said and darius burst out laughing.

"Just go to her damn house then unexpected ." He said and that's a good idea.

"I'm legally blind. POP hold it down." I said and we both laughed.

"I guess I'll do that. I'll be back." I said and he nodded and I headed out the door.


This chapter was very shitty .

Sorry .

I'm sick so excuse me if I don't update quick enough.

Happy Late Halloween .

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