Chapter Eleven

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I just got my eyebrows waxed ! For the first time and this shit hurt like fuck ! But I got my report card today and I got two B's and four A's anyway back to the story ...

~ Abrayla

It's been two weeks since the things happened between me and August and with me, things haven't been going good.

I'm starting to flunk my classes and I'm thinking about dropping out.

Aniya always saying she's hungry and I have no way to feed her. I have no money.

I'm thinking about getting a job at McDonald's or something.

"Sissy I hungruyyyyyy" Aniya whined.

I sighed.

"I'm trying the best I can Niya. Times are hard and we need mommy and daddy but they are still on a business trip." I said and she pouted.

"I want Awgust back." She said a tear dropping from her eye.

Next thing you know more are coming out and she screaming for August.

"Aniya ple--

She cut me off.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" she cried.

"Aniya jus-

She cut me off again.

"Awguuuuuuuussssssstt" she scream cried even louder.

I gave up and flopped on the couch putting pillows on each of my ears.

"Awwwguusttt" I still heard her screams through the pillow.

"Aniya shut the hell up damn I'm about to call August for you !" I screamed at her and she smiled.

"Thanks sissy ." She said and i rolled my eyes.

~ August

"Babe ?" Stacy said.

"Wassuh ?" I answered.

"I love you ." She said smiling.

"I love y-

I got cut off by my phone ringing.

It was Abrayla.

I answered.

Hello ?

Hey August , she said and I heard screaming In the background.

Hey wessuh ?

It's Aniya she won't stop screaming for you , she said and I smiled.

Awe my lil munchkin miss meh I'll be over in ten minutes.

Ight , she said and hung up.

"Who was that ?" Stacy asked.

"Abrayla." I said simply and she folding her arms across her chest.

"Why was she calling you ?" She asked with and attitude.

"Aniya needs meh . Is dat a problem ?" I asked.


I cut her off.

"I didn't think so . I'll be back." I said about to walk out the door.

"Oh hell no you think I'm letting you go to that bitch house by yourself ? You got me fucked up I'm going to." She said walking ahead of me to the car.

"Wateva BRUH go ahead." I said emphasize in' bruh.


We pulled up at Abrayla house and Stacy was still going on and on about things not to do in Abrayla house.

"Okay Stacy Shut.The.Fuck.Up ." I said sternly and she rolled her eyes.

I got out and knocked on the door and Abrayla oped it smiling but her smile fades when she sees Stacy.

"Well it's nice to see you to bitch." Stacy said and I looked her up and down.

"Don't call hea' out hea' name we been through dis shit Stacy." I said to her.

Abrayla smiled a bit.

"Awguuuuuust !" Aniya screamed running up to me and I picked her up.

"Oh so you taking up for her now ?" Stacy asked me and I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Always" I said.

"Ion like you." Aniya said to Stacy and I chuckled.

"I don't give a fuck little girl." Stacy said rolling her eyes.

"Don't talk to her like that. And you going to come in or nah ?" Abrayla asked me and I started to walk in.

Stacy tried to walk in but Abrayla stopped her.

"Didn't you see the sign." Abrayla asked Stacy.

"What sign ?" Stacy asked looking around.

"No Animals Allowed ." Abrayla said and I bust out laughing.

Stacy glared at me.

"Sorry babe." I said still chuckling.

"Oh i forgot to put it up. I guess I can let you in. Next time without a collar you are not allowed to come in okay ?"Abrayla said to Stacy while I was dieing.

Stacy rolled her eyes and came in and sat on my lap.

I feel like that's disrespectful to Abrayla so I gently pushed her to beside me.

"Dats disrespectful ta Abrayla." I whispered in Stacy ear and she popped up I guess mad.

"Abrayla this Abrayla that Aniya this Aniya that , what about me !?" Stacy screamed in my face while Abrayla and Aniya was over there smirking.

"Who Ya yellin' at ? Betta lower Ya voice der yunginn." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"I need some air." She said storming outside slamming the door.

"Don't be slamming my got damn door you pays no bills bitch." Abrayla screamed after her.

"Wats her problewm ?" Aniya asked us and we shrugged our shoulders.

~ Stacy

I dialed up my cousin.

I was beyond pissed.

It's always Abrayla this and Aniya that. What about me for a change.

Hello , she answered.

Yeah it's not working out , he's always worrying about Aniya and Abrayla ! , I screamed to my cousin.

So they need to go ? , she asked and I thought about it.

Hell yeah start as soon as you can , I said and she said alright and hung up.

August soon you won't have to worry about Abrayla and Aniya.

I'll be the only one and we could live peacefully happily ever after. I thought and walked back in the house smiling.

I even smiled at Abrayla.

She just don't know.



Who yall think Stacy was on the phone with !?!

Stacy and August together now ? Helllll nooo what the hell ?

I wanna beat Stacy ass -_-

May be errors .

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