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"Rain Kim, let's go!"

she sighed, shaking her head as she made her way to her car. Her mother sat inside the vehicle, scowling at her daughter's sluggish movement. "What took you so long?"

"I took a call from Ailee, sorry."

Her mother pursed her lips, giving her a curt nod as she drove off. Like every other travel she shared with her mother, the older Kim began to talk enthusiastically, effectively drawing out a groan from the young lass.

Rain grabbed her earphones from her pockets, plucking them in without a word. Surely, her mother would understand why she'd rather wear her earphones. After all, the woman would always rant about how excessive babbling was annoying.

After half an hour of tuning out her mother's voice, the car stopped in front of a two-story townhouse. A series of honks and came a woman in a yellow sundress. She was probably the same age of her mother, and by the looks of it, time has been kind to the age of the latter.

"Rain! Oh, look at you! You've grown so well, sweetie."

Rain smiled, bowing her head as she replied, "Hello to you, too, ma'am."

The lady laughed, leaning close to greet her mother who stood a few steps behind her. "My, come in. Let me introduce the both of you to my soon."

The young lass' eyes widened in surprise, her mother had always been strict with the people she came in contact with. Only Ailee had a pass to come at least two feet near her and, unfortunately, is her only real friend. All the other people she knew were mere acquaintances she met up with for a few things here and there.

Noticing the expression on her face, her mother smiled—one she haven't seen for quite a while now. The smile of a mother.

"I've been too harsh on you. I know I shouldn't keep you from making friends, but I've been doing that anyway." The woman paused, glancing behind her daughter to peek inside the house. "This isn't much, but I'm hoping her son would be the first step towards the betterment of your social life."

Rain is a soft girl; behind the snobbish demeanor and cold, empty eyes, the girl would cry herself to sleep at night whenever her mother would outright treat her harshly. Not that she wasn't used to it yet, but being used to it doesn't really mean she's supposed to like it, right?

The lass pursed her lips, pushing the tears back as she stared up at her mother. The latter smiled—Rain could have sworn it looked pained but she wasn't sure—and ushered her daughter inside. "We'll talk when we get home, okay? For now, go and enjoy the time we have here."

Not trusting her voice, Rain simply nodded her head. She glanced over her shoulders as her mother shut the door closed, catching a glimpse of the rain that slowly began to descend on the once dry asphalt. Tears and rain, she mused. You both just can't be stopped, huh?


"Rain, sweetheart, can you do me a favor?"

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