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"guys, i cant do it. i swear, i cant!"

johnny sighed for the nth time and patted the girl's shoulders. the girl was shaking her head with her eyes closed.

mark sighed as well before tapping johnny's finger, gesturing that he'll be the one to talk to rain.

"hey, rain. look at me."

rain opened her eyes and stared back at mark as he gave her a reassuring smile.

"this is it, rain. after another year of being alone, you're seeing your mom and bestfriend."

"i have a bad feeling about this. mark, let's just go, please."

the two boys' foreheads creased. they looked at each other and gave questioning looks.

it was unusual for rain to think about things giving off bad feelings so mark found it quite .. odd.

johnny shook his head and leaned on the wall beside him. unfortunately, he slipped on a rock and along with his fall, he accidentally pressed the bell.


"who's there?"

the three of them exchanged shocked and alarmed expressions. rain gulped before glaring at johnny.

she turned her back on them and faced the door, greeting whoever would open it with a smile.

"yes, how may i— rain?"

"hi ..?"

rain gave her a smile and almost immediately, ailee wrapped her in a bear hug.

the two boys behind them smiled and when ailee noticed them, she removed her hug from rain.

"mark! you're with him, i see. and he's?"

"im johnny."

"johnny, alright. im ailee. why dont you two come in?"

johnny and mark exchanged glances and the latter nodded with a smile that showed understanding.

"i cant, i actually have to go somewhere. i just dropped them. i'll be on my way then."

"i understand, drive safely!"

the three of them watched johnny drive away from the place, not before beeping once.

ailee glanced at mark and rain who were currently standing beside each other and a smile formed on her lips.

she cleared her throat and smiled when she caught the attention of both.

"so, let's head inside?"

the two exchanged glances before nodding, following ailee inside the house.

as rain looked around the place, a wave of nostalgia came to her as she stared at the house she didnt come home to for two years.

the frames, the books and the smell of coffee and vanilla. suddenly, her mind was reminded of one thing aside from this house.

the boys' house.

it smelled the same and frames along with some books were also around their house.

it feels similar but so different at the same time.

she sighed before removing her attention there and focusing on the people she was with.


"your return was sudden. are you going back?"

rainfall 💧 jeon woongWhere stories live. Discover now