Back on the road

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1 week later

I got up and put Joey in his bouncer on the table so I could make some breakfast. As I was cooking, I heard keys rattling in the door. The door flew open and it was taylor. Taylor said "I'm home!" I said "hey! I missed you" as I kissed him. T walked over to the table where Joey was sitting in his bouncer. "Hey buddy! what's my little man been up to!" Joey just smiled and kicked his little legs. I said "he has been doing good. We have to leave to go on tour in a few hours so I'm going to eat then pack our things." Taylor shook his head as he was too busy playing with Joey.

I have decided that it would be best to take Joey and taylor with me on tour so I could look after Joey and taylor could help me. I really didn't want to leave my baby alone without me. It's not that I don't trust taylor, because I do, it because I want to be there if something happens.

"Ok, now baby boy, lets go get that diaper changed and put you in a cute outfit for the road." I scooped Joey up and carried him back to his nursery.

Taylor's P.O.V

I watched as my wife took my son and I couldn't help but to smile. She is the best mother I have ever seen. She sometimes doesn't know just how great she is. Her career used to be everything to her and now Joey is her everything. Only a true mother would stick by her child no matter what and that's what she does.

I walked down the hall, unto joeys nursery where my wife was dressing our son. I walked behind her and put my hand on her lower back. I grabbed her waist and put my chin on her shoulder. "We have the most handsome son ever, how did we do it?" she looked at me with a smirk and said "a night with a little to much wine and a little less sense, but, it's worth it." I smiled and gave her a peck on the lips before walking out.

Gagas P.O.V

Taylor walked out and I finished buttoning joeys little plaid overalls. I said "oh, look at my sweet boy, you look just like your daddy!" he smiled and kicked his feet. He always seemed to smile when I mentioned "daddy" I don't blame him though, I smile when I hear his name too!

I picked him up and carried him to the living room where taylor was sitting watching the game. I said "honey, will you watch him while I pack?" taylor nodded and took over joey as I went to pack.

Packing is always hell and I hate it but it has to get done. I packed all of my clothes and packed extras for taylor to wear, since he had already had most of his clothes still packed. I packed joeys things such as his diapers and wipes along with his clothes and especially his extra pacifiers. He loves his paci. Finally, I was finished packing so I got dressed and went back into the living room.

Taylor's P.O.V

Stef came back into the living room wearing her tight dress and her heels. She looked hot in anything she wore to be honest. Joey was sleeping in my arms and stef took him over and put him in his car seat and buckled him. "Are you ready?" she said and kneeled to kiss me. "Yeah, let's hit the road" I said as I turned the tv off and grabbed the luggage. Stef grabbed joey in his car seat and we went to the car where Ed was waiting for us.

On our way to the airport, Stef put her hand on mine and said "I love you so much, I'm glad you will be with me." I kissed her lips and said "I love you more, and no problem, that just means more time for us as a family" she smiled that same cute smile and turned to place a kiss on sleeping joeys forehead.

As we arrived at the airport, I grabbed Joeys car seat and carried him as my wife grabbed her purse and his diaper bag. We finally made it thru the swarms of fans and paparazzi. Of course, joey was covered up because both, Stef and i, do not want our child put out there. I made it to the private plane and let Stef go first then me. As we boarded, tara, starlight, Freddie and the rest of the haus greeted us. I put Joey in the seat then buckled him as my wife hugged everyone and then sat down. The flight attendant said "fasten your seat belts as we take off" so we all did as asked and as soon as we took off, Stef unbuckled and got up so she could get crying Joey out of his car seat and feed him. It was his first flight so I can see why he is so scared.

Stef put him in her arms, cradling him and stuck his bottle I had made him in his mouth. As I watched her feeding our son, I couldn't believe how lucky I was. She is a terrific mother. After he was done, she burped him and bounced him around the plane a little getting him to try to fall asleep but he wasn't falling for it. Finally she gave up and handed him to tara, who wanted to hold him. She walked back to where I was sitting and sat down as she fell asleep on my shoulder. I watched after Joey for her because she deserved the sleep. She was about to perform for 10,000 screaming fans in Seattle so she definitely need the sleep. After getting Joey settled down to sleep, I sat next to her and laid my head on her head to fall asleep.


Do you guys think I should continue giving Taylor's P.O.V?

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