Finding Out

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2 months later

Gaga's P.O.V

It has finally came! The day that we find out what we are having. I'm 5 months pregnant and it hasn't been the easiest. After I got past the first trimester everything seemed to turn out alright but it wasn't. My boobs hurt a lot worse than they did in my first pregnancy and my feet are so swollen. My stomach has grown a lot and now I'm starting to get stretch marks. I love having kids but I wish we could skip being pregnant and all the things that comes with it.

Taylor and I have moved to a bigger place and it is actually really nice. It has 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. A huge kitchen and living room and even better, a nice little studio for me to write all my songs and play piano especially since I can't tour until 2 months after this baby is born.

Joey is getting so much bigger everyday and I love the fact he can talk better now. He can say almost everything clearly. He is starting to get thick, long, curlier hair and taylor doesn't want me to cut it. I told him that before to long Joey will look like a punk rocker, then he decided to let me cut it.

Taylor is still working on set in Chicago and it is just me and Joey until about 3 then Taylor should be here to go with me to my appointment. Joey is going with us for the first time so he can see what his sibling will be.

I was on the couch and I was playing with joey when my phone rang. It was taylor. i answered it and said "hello?"

"Hey babe, I am about to land so do you want to go ahead and leave?". I said "yeah, let me get joey ready and we will leave.". "Ok honey, see you in a few. Love you". I said "ok, love you too!". After I hung up, I grabbed joey up off the couch and said "are you ready to see daddy?". He smiled and shook his head "daddy come home". I smiled and said "yeah daddy come home" as I carried him back to his room to change him into his blue jeans, a flannel, a winter jacket and a hat with some converse on his feet. We left out the door and got into the car that my driver had parked in the front of our apartment.

As I was standing in the airport, I was holding joeys hand and looking at the magazines on the shelf. Joey pointed his finger at one of the magazines and said "Mommy, is that you?". I looked at it and realized it was me! I mean I'm not surprised because I am Lady Gaga but I didn't ever think my son would realize that was me. The picture was of me in the bubble dress back in 2009. I bent to his hight and said "yes baby, that was taken a long time ago, how did you know it was me?". He smiled at me and said "your pretty like girl in the picture". I kissed him and said "thank you honey". He looked away quickly when he heard an all familiar voice say "Joey!". He ran into Taylor's arms and i waddled over and kissed him. T said "are you guys ready to see what the baby is?". Joey put his hand up and said "yes! baby!". We both laughed and went to the car as the body guards picked up Taylor's luggage.

When we arrived at the doctors office, taylor carried joey and we went in and signed in. As we were waiting, I leaned over to taylor and said "joey did the cutest thing at the airport.". Taylor smiled and said "what did he do?". I said "he was looking at the magazines and he found the one of me on Rolling Stones and said "mommy is that you?". Of course I had to take a second look but it was me in that bubble dress. I said "yeah, how did you know?". He said "your pretty like the girl in the picture". I almost cried, it was so cute."

T laughed and said "you know, joey really really loves you." I kind of tilted my head and rubbed joeys head and said "yeah I know, he loves you too, you know". taylor said "yeah I know, I love him so so much" as he started tickling him. Soon the nurse came out and called my name and we went back.

Taylor's P.O.V

As Stef and I walked down the hall to the room, I carried joey in my arms. We walked in and Stef sat on the table and we patiently waited for the doctor.

Joey was sitting on my lap and Stef said "Joey, this is where we found out that you were a boy!". Joey kind of shook his head a little confused. Stef laughed and I said "yeah and whatever this baby is we can tell it the same thing when we have our third child." Stef chuckled and said "yeah but not too soon". I laughed and smiled at her.

Dr. Jones came in and said "hello, Stefani, how are you?". Stef said "I'm ok, I'm a little sore around my ankles." The doctor shook his head and said "yeah, that will happen". The doctor looked at joey and smiled. He said "and you must be Joseph! I remember when you were born! how long has it been?". I said "2 years". The doctor smiled and said "wow, two years! your a big boy now!". Joey shyly laid his head on my shoulder. The doctor chuckled and said "ok so let's get started."

Gaga's P.O.V

I laid back on the table as the doctor put the jelly on my stomach and moved the probe over it. The heartbeat came up and joey had his eyes glued to the screen. He watched it and seen the baby moving around. Joey said "baby!" while he pointed at the screen. I laughed and taylor said "yeah, that's the baby". Joey kept staring.

The doctor said "you guys want to know the gender?". I shook my head and the doctor said "ok, you are having a... girl! congratulations!". I grabbed Taylor's hand and said "just what you wanted babe!". Taylor was smiling from ear to ear. I sat up and pulled my shirt down. I said "joey! your gonna have a baby sister!". Joey just smiled as I figured he really didn't understand yet.

We picked up my prenatal vitamins and left the hospital. After we arrived back home, I went upstairs and called my mother and father to tell them the news.

"Germanotta residence" My mother said as she answered the phone. I said "its me mom, tell dad to come to the phone also, put me on speaker because I have something to tell you guys."

My mother called my father downstairs and she said "ok, what is it?". I swallowed and said "we just got back from the OBGYN and we are having a girl!". As I said that, I could hear my father in the back ground saying "I told you Cyndi!". I laughed and after they had calmed down I hung up and went to lay down and take a nap.

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