Here We Go Again

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I'm 9 months pregnant with our first daughter. We decided on the name Mackenzie Joanne Kinney. I'm having so much heartburn and I'm as big as a cow. I don't remember having a tough pregnancy with joey but I do know that this one is so horrible. I just want my little girl here.
My due date is today and I'm hoping I will go into labor. Joey loves talking to his little sister and giving my belly kisses. We explained to him that mommy would be in the hospital having Mackenzie and he would be staying with grandma and grandpa. He was obviously excited about that.
Taylor and I are celebrating our 3 year anniversary tomorrow and I really don't know what to get him. I'm thinking on a nice watch and an outfit but I'm not sure yet. I'm staying home with joey today while taylor goes to a few meetings for a movie he is doing. I am picking up Tara and taking her and joey to shop for something for taylor.
I picked tara up from her house and made my way to target. We got out and I got joey and put him on my hip. I said "your getting heavy!" as I put joey down because I couldn't carry him anymore. Tara said "yeah he is three in two months. I can remember when he was all wrinkled and looking like a potato!". I laughed and said "yeah me too!". Joey cocked his head and said "I'm not a potato!". We laughed as we entered target.
Tara picked joey up and put him in the cart. As she was pushing the cart, she was making funny faces at joey and he was laughing and said "aunt Tara! your so funny!". Tara said "I know but your too cute!". He continued laughing.
As we walked through the mens clothing, I found the perfect button up flannel for T. I put it in the cart and continued walking. Right when I was about to pick up a shirt that had fell in the floor, a sudden pain hit me. I grabbed my stomach and said "tara, we HAVE to go!". She said "why? Oh my god! your going into labor!". I kind of snapped- and said "what the fuck do you think I was doing! lets go!!". Tara grabbed joey up out of the cart and we walked through the doors as quickly as possible.
We drove to the hospital and tara gave me my phone so I could call taylor. The phone rang and Taylor finally picked up. Taylor said "hey babe I was-". I screamed and said "T! hurry up and come to the hospital! the baby is coming!". T said "I'm coming! hang on!". I hung up and through my phone down. Joey said "mommy, are you hurting?". I said "yes baby, your sisters coming."
Taylor's P.O.V
I put my phone in the pocket of my jeans and went to the car. I drove as fast as I could to the hospital. When the car stopped, I grabbed the bag that Stef put in the car and went inside.
'Stefani Kinney?" I said to the nurse and she said "right down the hall in room 5". I ran down the hall with the duffle bag in my hand and entered her room.
Gaga's P.O.V
When I seen taylor come in I was so relieved. T came over and kissed me and said "you ok?". I said "yeah, just in pain." T kind of nodded and squeezed my hand. "When did you start having the contractions?". I rubbed my face with my free hand and said "today, in target when I was shopping for your present." He laughed a little and said "only you babe". I nodded as I looked at him. I said "babe, get my phone, I need to call tara." T handed my phone to me and said "where is she anyways?". "she left and took joey back with her." T nodded as I dialed tara's number.
"Hey, what's up?" tara said as she picked up the phone. "Hey, how is my baby boy?". She said "great! he is playing with fozzi." I looked at T and smiled as he could also hear her. "Oh well, let me talk to him". Tara handed the phone to joey and he said "hi mommy, is my sister there yet?". I laughed and said "no baby, she will be soon. I love you so so much. Mommy will be home soon." Joey said "ok mommy I love you too. here is aunt tara". Tara got the phone back and said "hey, I have to work and I called your mom, she will be here soon to take joey." I said "ok, I'm gonna go, they are about to check me. I will text you later." She said bye and hung up.
Taylor's P.O.V
After my wife was off the phone, I kissed her and said "I can't wait to have a little girl. It would be so cool if she was born on our anniversary". Stef shook her head, a little tiredly and said "it would be, but this baby has a mind of her own." I laughed and said "well, you need to rest so I am going to go to the cafeteria, I love you" and I kissed her. She shook her head and smiled as she started to get another contraction.
I walked out of the room and headed down the elevator and into the cafeteria. As I was eating my burger and fries, my phone started to ring. I picked up and said "hello?". "Hey, it's mom!". I said "oh hey, mom, what's up?". "I was just gonna see how Stefani is". I stopped eating and said "we are here at the hospital, she went into labor earlier in target. I'm here eating then I'm going to go back upstairs with her."
My mother couldn't believe it and she said "oh my gosh! I'm gonna have a granddaughter soon! by the way, where is my grandson?". I finished swallowing my last bite of food and said "with Cynthia, he is going to stay there with her until we come home. When are you coming to see Joey and Mackenzie?". My mom hesitated and said "when she comes, I will be in the waiting room in two hours. I'm in my hotel room because I was going to surprise you.". I laughed out of surprise and said "well, mom, this is a HUGE surprise. I'm going upstairs to Stef so you can come in when you get here." My mom chuckled and said "ok, I'm leaving in ten minutes I will text you when I arrive." I smiled and said "ok, I will see you then, bye". After the conversation with my mom, I went back upstairs to be with Stef.
Gaga's P.O.V
While taylor was gone, I decided to update my fans on how I'm doing. I said "in labor with munchkin number 2, Can't wait till she is here!" I posted that along with a shitty looking selfie.
I put my phone down and the doctor came in along with taylor. Taylor came in and kissed me while the doctor put his gloves on and began to talk. He said "I am going to check you, see how dilated you are and see if we will have to break your water or not." When he said that, i propped my legs up in the stirrups and he began checking. I couldn't stand it when the doctor checked me, I never could, even when I was young and had pap smear done I never liked it.
The doctor finished checking and pulled his gloves off while he said "your 2 centimeters dilated and in about 2 hours I will come back and check again, if it's still at two, I will go ahead and break your water, ok?". I nodded and grabbed Taylor's hand, squeezing it and rubbing his hand. I said "what did you get to eat?". "A burger and fries, by the way, my mother is in town and will be here in just a little while." I smiled and said "Oh, Pam is coming! I can't wait to see-" I couldn't finish my sentence for the overwhelming pain in my back from the contractions. T held my hand as I squeezed it. I didn't know if I was going to last any longer with these pains shooting through my body. I needed that fucking epidural and NOW!
Finally the contraction was over and I wouldn't have one for the next 20 minutes. I shut my eyes and took a short nap while T flipped the tv on.
Taylor's P.O.V
While I was watching tv, my mom texted me and said "I'm in the parking lot. Be up in a few". I locked my phone and put it on the table. A few minutes later my mom knocked quietly and came in the room.
"Ohh hi taylor! It feels like I haven't seen you in years!" my mom said quietly and embraced me in a hug. I said "I know! how was your flight!". She put her things down on the chair and said "awful! I hate flying but I will do anything to see my baby have his second baby". I looked at Stef and she was starting to stir. She opened her eyes and said "oh, Pam your here!" while she held her arms out for a hug.
My mom ran to her and hugged her. "I hope I didn't wake you". Stef looked at the clock and said "oh, no, you didn't, I have to be awake. They are coming in to check me again." My mom smiled slightly and said "well, I'm just happy to be here for my granddaughters arrival. I missed Joey's and I regretted it." Stef looked sympathetically towards my mother and said "well your here now and that is all that counts! I have to show you something." She pointed her finger toward the small couch that was in there and said "hey baby, will you get that for me?". I handed her the pink diaper bag and said "mom, you are going to LOVE what Stef picked for the baby to come home in." Stef pulled the Outfit out and my mother flipped. She said "oh my god, Stefani, this is SO cute!".
Gaga's P.O.V
Pam was astonished when I showed her what Mackenzie would be wearing home. T said "its the cutest outfit I have ever seen!". I nodded my head in agreement. The outfit consisted of a Aqua blue and brown onesie with a flower on it, a pair of brown pants, a big blue and brown flower shaped bow, and a matching bib. I was the one to pick it out and of course T liked it.
It was a quarter after eight at night and I was in so much pain. I was 4 centimeters dilated and the nurse finally said I could have an epidural. I squeezed T's hand and laid my head on his shoulder as they put the epidural in. I would much rather have an epidural than put up with these damn contractions.
I laid in bed for about 20 minutes and then the epidural kicked in. My whole body was numb from the waist down. Taylor was laughing at me because I was trying to pinch myself to see If I could feel anything. Of course I couldn't and that made him laugh even more.
*The next day*
I woke up to the sight of taylor lying on the couch sleeping and a nurse putting more meds thru my IV. The nurse gently tapped me on my shoulder and said "Mrs.Kinney, the doctor will be in soon to see if you have dilated any." I nodded and moved my legs as much as I could so I could sit up.
I felt my gown and it was soaked. My water had broke. I said "I think my water broke while I was asleep." The nurse calmly said "ok, I'm going to get the doctor and I will be back to change the sheets.
The doctor came in and checked me again. He said "your at 8 centimeters dilated. The baby should be here soon." He then walked out and the nurse changed my sheets and also left the room.
T finally woke up and he said "happy anniversary baby". He kissed me and I said "happy anniversary honey, I love you! Hopefully Mackenzie can be our gift since I couldn't get you anything." Taylor smiled and said "that would be so much more than a gift. It would be a blessing." I smiled at him as he turned his attention to the new blankets and sheets on the bed. "What happened to the other sheets?" I sat up a little and said "the nurse had to change them, my water broke while u was asleep." T looked surprised and said "did the doctor check you yet?". I smiled and said "yeah, they said that I'm at 8 and it shouldn't be long." T gave the biggest smile.
Joey came running in along with my mother and father. Pam was in the chair and joey seen her. He said "Nana!". Pam grabbed him and hugged him, she said "hi baby, oh my gosh! I have missed you!". Joey smiled and got up on the bed with me. "Mommy, where is Kenzie?" Joey said as he looked around. I said "still in my belly. She will be here soon baby". We talked and I updated my parents on what was happening so they could come and see her.
After everyone left, the doctor came in and said "hello, stefani, we need to see if your dilated any." I nodded and put my legs in the stirrups. After he checked me he said "ok, so we are going to get prepped for your delivary right now, we will be back and you should have your baby soon."
I was so so happy when he said that. I just wanted my baby here and for her to be healthy. The doctor and a few nurses came in and were prepped and ready. I grabbed T's hand as I put my legs up.
Taylor's P.O.V
It was about time for my little girl to make her appearance into this world. I was so exited.
I stood up so I could hold her hand and her leg. The doctor was at the end and said "ok, Stefani, when you feel the contraction, push." A contraction came and stef barred down and pushed.
Finally her head was out and I said "babe, she has a head full of hair." Stef started crying and then she pushed again. That one last push brought our daughter into the world.

The nurse took Mackenzie and did a quick exam before she wrapped her up and handed her to us.

Gagas P.O.V

My daughter is here and I couldn't believe it. I was holding her in my arms and looked up at Taylor. He had a tear in his eye and I said "she is beautiful, she looks just like me. I love you". T smiled and kissed me. "Can I hold her?" T asked as he held his arms out. I handed her to taylor and he cradled her in his arms. He kissed her head and said "welcome to the world baby girl". I couldn't help but to cry seeing my husband holding our daughter.

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