Family Time

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"Good morning baby, how did you sleep?" taylor asked as I opened my eyes. I rubbed his stubbly chin and giggled "I slept great. How bout you?" he smiled and kissed me "great! do you have to go get joey from your moms?" I sat up against the headboard and said "yeah, hey, I have been thinking lately and I think we should go on a trip. Just you, me and Joey." T looked at me and smiled. He put his hand on my leg and said "that would be great! we haven't really taken a relaxing trip as a family. Any ideas where you want to go?" I looked down and bit my lip, thinking and then I looked at taylor, locking eyes with him immediately. "What about Italy! we haven't been there since we first got together. We can take Joey to the beach and rent out a house down there." Taylor smiled and laughed a little at my excitement.

"Sounds like a deal! I'm going to get up and get dressed." He said as he kissed me.

Taylor and I walked through the front door of my parents and Joey came running to me screaming "mommy!". I picked him up and kissed his cheeks as he giggled. I said "oh my sweet boy! have you been a good boy for grandma and grandpa?" he looked at me and smiled and said "yes ma'am." I kissed his cheek one more time and said "good!". I adjusted him to my hip and walked into the kitchen where my mother was doing some paperwork. I said "hey mom, was joey good." she looked up at me and said "yes he was. where are you guys going?" I handed joey to taylor and said "we are going to, Italy... just for a few days and we are going to take Joey with us." My mother got up from the table to poor her last little bit of tea into the sink. "That's great honey, I think you guys need a little family time alone." I shook my head and said "well I guess we are going to leave. We need to pack. I love you mom." My mother kissed my cheek and said "I love you too, and, I love my beautiful little grandson also!" as she kissed him and rubbed his head. Joey giggled and laughed as he said "bye bye gramma" my mother said "bye my boy, I love you" and Joey smiled real big as he made little fists to motion for me to carry him. I took him and put him on my hip as we left my parents place. Taylor put Joey in the car seat and then we got in and left.

Taylor's P.O.V

On our way home, I noticed my wife playing with joey in the back seat. She was kissing his cheeks and singing to him, all the things to make him laugh. My son is closer to his mother than to me but it doesn't bother me as much as it should. He loves his mother and he has absolutely no idea how much she loves him. She always feeds him, clothes him, takes him on the road with her even though she is working, he will never know how much she cares for him. Stef has been really protective over him and never wants him out of her sight anymore unless he is at her mothers or with me. She hopes the baby is another boy but I hope it's a girl so I can have a daughter and we can be even.

As we came to a stop in front of our apartment, i noticed that this place was getting too small for our family. We needed more space and I was going to talk to Stef about moving to our rental in Chicago because it was bigger and not only that but I would be closer to work.

I unbuckled my seat belt and grabbed joey out of his car seat in the back. We walked in and I sat joey down to play while I could talk to Stef and help her pack. Stef was in the kitchen and I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck. "You smell so good, your so beautiful". She turned around and kissed me. She whispered "we have plenty of time in Italy to have fun and by that I mean, you, me, and a king size bed" I smiled and kissed her. She always knew how to turn me on.

"Hey babe, I was thinking. when we come back from italy, maybe we could move to Chicago and live in the rental. It would be so much bigger and closer to the job so I won't be away for a long period of time." She turned around and leaned against the cabinet. "I don't know babe, it does seem like a good idea but what about my parents? they love being able to see joey and he loves seeing them. I don't want to take that away from them." She said as she crossed her arms. i said "I know babe, but it would be so much more convenient and we could fly here to see them or they could fly to see us. It will be fine but remember we have to have something bigger because our family is growing. We can't continue to live here in a two bedroom apartment with two children." She started crying and put her hands on her face. I went to grab her but she pushed me away. She said "I don't fucking know taylor! I don't want to leave my family again!" I said "your not going to be leaving them forever. You can fly back here stef!" I screamed and she stormed off to the bedroom, shutting the door behind her. I did it again. I let my temper get the best of me.

I put joey down to nap and walked slowly into the bedroom where I saw Stef fake sleeping like she always does when she is pissed at me. I slowly climbed on the bed next to her and wrapped my arms around her.

Gaga's P.O.V

I don't know why it hurt me so bad to leave New York. I know taylor is right and we do need a bigger place but I don't want to leave where I grew up.

Taylor walked in and I quickly shut my eyes so he might just leave me alone. It didn't work. He crawled on the bed and put his arms around me. "Stef, I know your awake." I didn't say anything and he took a deep breath and said "look, I know I raised my voice and I'm sorry. you know I didn't mean to and if you want to stay we will stay but we have to find a bigger place." As I heard that I turned around and rubbed his face with my hand. "I'm sorry too, I know we need a bigger place but I love living here and it makes me happy. I just want our son to be around his grand parents. If you want, we can go house hunting here when we get back next week." His face lit up as I said that and he planted his lips on mine as I giggled. I said "now, let's pack our things". We jumped up and packed our stuff. Our plane was leaving in the morning and we had to make sure we wasn't late.

After packing, I went into joeys room and got him up so he could eat his dinner. I seen his blue eyes open slowly "come on sweetie, lets go eat." I said. He motioned his hands so I could pick him up and I walked into the kitchen and sat him in his booster seat. He ate then played so hard he fell asleep in the floor so taylor picked him up and put him in his bed. T and I laid down and went to sleep so we could wake up early.

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