Im What?

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I paced back and forth across our bedroom just waiting for the timer to go off. "What if it's positive" I thought to myself. I just shook my head and sat on the bed. Taylor walked in and sat down next to me, rubbing my back like he always did when he knew I was nervous.

'Ding' I heard as the timer went off. I jumped and got up. I walked in the bathroom, closed my eyes as I picked up the test and looked at it. "What does it say?" Taylor asked as he walked in standing next to me. "It's positive" I said as I swallowed the lump in my throat.

Taylor hugged me and kissed my head. "It will be ok stef. We will make it through this, it's ok just think, we will have the soccer team we always wanted" he said with a little chuckle. I laid my head on his chest and just started sobbing. He said "not exactly the reaction I was hoping for" I looked at him and wiped my tears away and said "babe, I'm not crying because I'm mad or sad, I'm crying because I'm happy".

I don't know what I'm going to do with a baby and my career and Taylor's career but I just tell myself everything was ok. I had to go to the doctor and have an ultrasound.

We were in the small private room and Taylor was looking around at the pictures on the wall and said "you want to know something I have never told you before?" I was sitting on the table thinking and said "yeah, shoot!" he looked at me and said "when I was a little boy, I would lay down for bed at night and just think of what it would feel like to love a woman as much as I do you. I would have never thought that I would fall in love and be having a child with a beautiful, smart, kind, loving, talented woman like you. I love you stefani."

I started to tear up and I kissed him and said "I love you too, T" right then the doctor walked in and said "hi mrs. Germanotta, I'm doctor jones" I shook his hand and he shook Taylor's also. We said "hello" and he said down next to me looking through the papers on his clipboard. "So Stefani, I see here you took a home pregnancy test and it turned up positive." I nodded and he said "ok well, we are going to do an ultrasound on you to make sure." I said "ok" I laid back on the table and pulled my shirt up. Taylor grabbed my hand and kissed it. The doctor said "ok, this will be a little cold" as he put the jelly on my stomach. As he put the little thing on my stomach, I heard a thumping noise. "As you can hear, you are indeed pregnant, that's the heart beat and you see that little round bean looking thing? that's your baby" I looked at Taylor and said "isn't it cute!" Taylor looked at me and and smiled and said "yeah, it's cute" I turned my head back and looked at the screen. I said "so, how far along am I?" he said "about 2 months." I smiled as he said "well do you guys want a few pictures" we both said "yes". He printed the pictures and released us.

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