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Leo woke up when he felt his body being shook. He opened his eyes to let his roommate know that his awake yet it's very small for Ravi to noticed. He keep on shaking him while saying "I'm hungry." Leo groaned as he turned around to face Ravi. He rubbed his eyes as he sat up and look at the clock. He slightly gasp seeing it's only four in the morning and their class is seven. He took a deep breath before looking back to the grumpy Ravi.

"I'm hungry, Leo." he said pouting at him. He looks like he had just woken up only few minutes earlier than him. He drive his hands through his smooth hair while heading to the kitchen. 'Geez this guy. Is it just because I didn't cook delicious foods often after that incident?  Should I make something good?'  He took some ingredients from the fridge and prepared the stove. Ravi sat on the floor rubbing his eyes to clear his eye sight. "What are you making?" he asked.

"I'm going to make a soup. It'll be nice to have something warm since it's getting colder." Leo replied without looking back at Ravi. He lick his lip making Leo laugh a little. "You're really hungry aren't you?" he asked.

"Yeah and I hate waiting." he slightly demanded. Leo glared at him making him shake a bit. "I-I mean don't rush yourself." he nervously said. With that Leo continued peacefully.

Few minutes later...

Ravi took a sip from the bowl of chicken soup. He took a deep breath in satisfaction with the first taste of the food. Leo really knows how to make him comfortable and it makes him feel so blessed to have him. A small smile suddenly disapeared from Leo's face once Ravi noticed him. He knows that he's just shy though. "It must've been inconveniet for you to do this." Ravi said wondering a bit why his roommate isn't looking directly into his eyes.

"Glad you're aware, dummy." he said as he start watching Ravi who eats as if it's his first time. Ravi just laughed at him and continue eating like there's no tommorow.

"Geez. Being able to eat delicious foods your whole life is harder than not being able to eat any bit. You're torturing me, you know?" Ravi said making the latter slightly widened his eyes in surprise.

"W-what did I do?" he asked innocently.

"What did you do?" he asked as if Leo had done something wrong which makes his heart pound harder. "Becuase of your cooking I can't almost eat foods that aren't prepared by you. Don't you think how hard that is for me to bear with the foods in the school cafeteria everyday." he said with an angry face. Leo's shock face is now unpredictably crimson infront of Ravi. Not even himself can make it stop nor to make any other reaction aside from letting his jaw drop in surprise. Ravi then burst into laughter. He abandoned his spoon on the table and sat beside Leo who now manage to atleast look away and hide his face. With all his effort, Ravi only become more eager to tease him as he hugged him on his neck from behind him. "Seriously, are you that flustered with what I said?" Leo just tried to take his arm away from his shoulder but failed. "Oh come on Leo. Don't be too embarass. I was just complimenting you...at least let me see your face. You're so cute when you're embarassed." Finally Leo's heart started to beat louder which caused his adrenaline to hurry and gave him strength to take Ravi's arm away. He suddenly felt scared that the latter might feel his heart beat. He felt weird having this kind of feeling though. Ravi looked at him confused. "Hey you, you're getting colder and colder these days. Tsk. Stop being like that or I'll cling to you more." he smirked at him before going back to his seat and continue eating. Leo stood there motionless. 'What has gotten into me? Why am I like this? Damn it! It's giving me a headache.' Leo thought.


The class went on but Leo's mind isn't prepared yet. Not becuase he didn't get enough sleep by waking up too early but because he is bothered by a really weird feeling. He got this weird reaction whenever Ravi is clinging onto him. He usually feel annoyed or ashamed when Ravi is clingy but it becomes different from the past few days. He tensed more and more and it suck for him. Ravi noticed how blank Leo is when the loud professor, Ms. Park, turned to him and he seemed not to noticed it as he is staring into space. The professor lifted his chin up making him startled and sat properly. Some of the students laughed at him and received a yell from Soomi who plastered a worried face as she glance at the neirdy.

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