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I don't also like doing this to my dear Leo😭. Okay hate me.

Leo touched her on her thighs then skipped to her chest. He kissed her neck and marked her. She could do nothing but cry. This is so not like Leo. She then remembered that there is a syringe on the floor making her concluded that he drugged himself. She was about to cry when he took his hands off of her mouth but he kissed her and she didn't realized that he had already tied her hands. He pulled away and smiled.

"Scream and I'll cut your troath." he said making her only bit her lip still crying. Leo unbottoned her shirt and just ripped it when he loose his temper. He also ripped her skirt revieling her body with only her undergarments on but soon he also unclasped her bra. Soomi finally broke down.

"Leo p-please. Stop this!" she cried pleadingly. Leo frowned and kissed her forehead.

"Don't worry. It'll be quick, hmm?" he replied and throw her bra away and stared at her body. Soomi cried more.

"Ravi!" she cried making Leo snapped suddenly. He frowned and held his head tightly when it hurts so much. He groaned from the pain.

"Damn it!" he cursed and look at Soomi. "It won't stop me." he murmured and was about to take her underwear off when she finally screamed.

"Ravi!!!" Leo's mind become blank and felt himself fainting. He tried to see clearly but he fell on top of her and loose consciousness. Soomi took that time to kept screaming untill Ravi who is on his way there with Ken and the others who tried to help him open the door quickly when they heared her. Ravi widened his eyes and so as the others.

"Soomi!" he shouted and took Leo off of her. He didn't help Soomi right away when Hani went to her and covered her with blanket while untying her hands.

"Call the emergency number!" Ravi yelled and shoved Leo to the bathroom. Leo slowly opened his eyes and widened when he saw Ravi holding him while he is on the floor. He then heard banging on the bathroom door. Before his hearing come back to normal, he heard a tingling when Ravi punched him on his jaw.

"R-Ravi-" he hadn't finished when he punched him again.


"R-Ravi please believe me I didn't mean it-"
"Shut up fag!!!" he shouted then punched him again. Tears didn't wait too long. Leo slowly feeling all the pain that he missed for few hours and Ravi beating him isn't helping at all.

"I...didn't mean it." he struggled to say. Ravi looked at him furiously.

"What? You didn't mean to rape my girlfriend. You know what Leo? I really want to believe you even though you're not doing anything to make me to but this is just too much.....Are you just seeking for attention? JUST WHY THE FUCK DID YOU GO THIS FAR!!!" he hit him again making his mouth bloody.

"....I-I'm...s-sor-ry..." he managed to say. Then he didn't mind as he cried harder to himself as he put his hand on his eyes. "Trust me please....I didn't mean to do that...I will never do that to her." he forced himself to make a coherent sentence.

"....you don't need to admit everything anymore....now I can see just how lustfull you are to do these things.....and you know what?....I hate you." he said and with that the door to the bathroom opened when Hyuk broke the knob. He and Hongbin quickly stopped Ravi from attempting to give him another blow. Ken held Leo and saw how severe his injuries are.

"L-Leo. Hang on." he told him and saw that Leo is breathing harshly as his wound won't stop bleeding and his injuries are worse. Ravi quickly hugged Soomi who is still crying.

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