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Leo opened his eyes and was met by blurred vision. He tried to see clearly at his surroundings but since the room is too bright, it also made him flinch until slowly his eyes got used to it. No one is speaking so he guessed he is alone but as he sat up, he saw Ravi at the couch, his head hanging low. He is awake, obviously and looked up when he heard the shuffling on the bed only to lock eyes with the now awake Leo. Leo was the one who broke the stare and sighed.

"Are you okay?" They both asked at the same time making Leo blush.

"G-go on. You go first." Ravi said, signaling him to answer the question first. Leo bowed his head, ashamed that he wasn't able to handle himself from the panic attack.

"Y-yeah...I just got dizzy and wasn'f feeling good....how about you?...Why were you here? You got hurt?" he asked with his head again looking at him. Ravi is now the one feeling ashamed.

"I-I....it's nothing....nothing bad. Don't worry." An awkward silence filled the room as none of them is speaking anymore. Leo decided to break the silence as he sighed.

"You should take care, hmm? Be careful next time. Anyway, ...you should be home by now. You still need to wake up early tomorrow." Ravi looked up at him.

"Are you sure you will be fine here? You want to eat something?" Leo smiled but shook his head. He knew he still care about him.

"I'm good. You go home now." Ravi nodded then stood up and headed to the door. He paused before finally leaving the rom to say something.

"Take care of yourself too, hyung." The he was finally gone. Leo stood up from the bed. He is actually feeling shameful that he was sent to the nurse room when he just fell asleep. Now, to escape that fact, he hurried to fix everything to how it used to before then took his things. He looked everywhere to check if Ravi is just around and sighed.

'No. I must not go the usual way. He must still be there. I should take the longer way.'

Like what he decided, he choose the other way just to avoid worrying Ravi if he finds out that he is leaving the nurse room already. As he walks, he stopped midway when he saw someone at the end of the hall that he is taking. After a long guessing, he realized that it's Ravi because of the jacket that he is wearing. It made him wonder as to why Ravi is taking the same way when his dorm is on the other way. He walked very careful so his footsteps won't be heard. Ravi turned to the right then Leo hurried a little to catch up then hid behind the wall when he heard that Ravi is just near. He had alreasy reached his destination and he heard other voices which shattered hus heart.

"Wow, cutie is back. What happened to you?" a girl said. Ravi groaned at how the girl mock him.

"I ain't coming back for your pleading again. Do we have new here? This girl got me into trouble today. I want someone who wouldn't seduce me when I still have works to do." Ravi said. The girl giggled.

"Geez, seriously Chungha? I heard your classmates and friends looking for you and it's because of her?" Xydo asked with slight laughter.

"Exactly. She beg me and so as a gentleman I helped her with her problem." They both burst into laughter. "Anyway, you're starting already?"

"Yeah dude. And you're an hour late. I'm sure the babes inside will attack you once you got in." Xydo said.

"I know. I just...have to do something important. Anyway, don't tell me you failed to invite that Saay again?" Ravi asked. Xydo exhaled.

"What do you expect? That girl really is untouchable when she don't want to be touch but a real slut when she wants. Why are you too fascinated about her anyway?" Ravi smirked and Leo heard it. He didn't dare to take a look as the words are enough to break him.

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