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It was Saturday meaning no classes today. Leo don't feel like getting up. He rolled on his bed then hissed when he felt something painful on his stomach. He sat up and look over his bed and found his wrist watch. He picked it up and put it on the side table then rubbed his body only to felt the same pain. He frowned and pulled up his shirt. He widened his eyes for a second then back to normal. He found a large blue on his torso. He realized that he had it from last night when the guy hit him in the stomach. He groaned and stood up only to find Ravi frowning at him. He quickly pulled him and pulled up his shirt despite of his protest. "What the hell are you doing?" he yelled at him. Ravi gasped after seeing how big his bruise is. Leo quickly pulled down his shirt, glaring at him.

"Why didn't you tell me you're hurt. Geez. Come on let's heal that." Leo didn't have time to protest anymore when he pulled his wrist to seat on his bed and took their medkit, real fast. He took a bandage out from it. "Pull your shirt up. I'll wrap it on." he commanded making Leo obeyed like he is being controled by him. Ravi wrapped the bandage carefully on his body and Leo immediately pulled his shirt back down.

"T-thanks-" he stammered.

"That's not yet finished. Look at that cut on your lip. That needs to be treat." he said as he took an disinfectant and cotton. Leo furrowed knowing it'll hurt. Before he knew it, he felt a sudden pain on his lip as Ravi touched it with the cotton.

"Ouch!" he whined.

"Sorry. It'll really hurt." he said still doing the same. Leo found himself nervous at the distance they are in. He stared into Ravi who quickly caught his eyes. He then quickly averted his own obvious nervousness. 'What the fuck, Leo? You can't. You just can't. You like Soomi and only her. You can bitch with anyone as long as it's a girl. And feeling that way to Ravi is a sin so stop this stupudity!' He shook his head desperately to erase his confussion that is killing him for the past weeks. "Hey." Ravi called him when he noticed that he's not listening at all. Leo turned to him again.

"Ah, sorry. What was it?" he asked. Ravi sighed.

"I'm saying...don't worry that much about that." he said making Leo shocked.

"W-what do you mean?" he asked.

Ravi made an 'it's obvious dude' face. "About what you're thinking right now. I know what's bothering you. I've also noticed it few weeks till now. I understand how you feel. Maybe you're getting confused but it's okay to admit it. Don't be a shy baby. Okay?" he said then smiled at him. Leo widened his eyes and panicked as he stood up away from Ravi. Now he don't know what to do thinking Ravi knows the confussion in his mind.

"H-how'd you know?" he asked as if the latter is prohibitted to know it. Ravi frowned at him.

"Of course. I'm also a guy, you know. I also felt that way whenever I come to like someone. I understand you especially that you're a shy guy. It must be really hard for you to understand your feelings but you just need to be true to yourself." he said still smiling at him. Leo hadn't changed his expression as if none of what he had said helped him at all.

"W-what exactly are you talking about?" he said as if he had a gun pointing on Ravi's head making Ravi a bit cofused with his reaction.

"Ahm...I-I'm talking about y-your feelings for Soomi. I know your shy. In case you don't know, that's attraction you're feeling right now." he replied. It took Leo a minute before he seem to comprehend what he told him. He took a deep breath, relieved and disapointed at the same time. He don't know why though. He cleared his throat and slowly sat back infront of him.

"O-okay." he said with no particular meaning to it. Ravi watched him confused.

"What's with you?" he laughed a bit. "Don't be too shy okay? You can tell me everything. Hmm?" Leo just nod, not paying attention. Part of him is disapointed about Ravi being so supportive to him.

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